

            Angela's former students, her athletes, and the recipients of her scholarships still carry on her commitment to education, sports, and empowerment of women.   Some of them are listed below.

Fifth Grade Teacher
Baldwinsville Central Schools
Baldwinsville, New York
News Reporter
Buffalo, New York
Physical Education Teacher
Langston Hughes Middle School
Reston, Virginia
Sports Information Director
Converse College
Spartansburg, South Carolina
Mathematics Teacher
St. Amelia School, Tonawanda, NY
Mississippi Museum of Natural Science
Print Production Artist
Coburn Design
Auburn, New York
Walmart Pharmacies
Central New York
Physical Education Teacher
Softball and Skiing Coach
Monticello High School
Monticello, New York
Track Star
University of Buffalo
Southern Illinois University
College of Engineering
University of Memphis
Magna Cum Laude
Southern Illinois University
Graduate Engimeer
University of Buffalo
Graduate Nurse

          2008 Amherst Scholarship recipient Daisy Timlin sent us the following note, which only reinforces our pride in Angela, for inspiring such a fine young lady:

Dear Coniglio Family:

         I am so humbled by this wonderful honor that words escape me.  Angela's contribution to women's sports and more importantly to everyone she touched is beyond inspiring.  As I read her life story I just could not believe the similarities between us! 
         How could anyone know that I too had my own unique way of pronouncing words; grasshopper has never been pronounced the same after I renamed them "assgroppers".  One of my first songs, Home on the Range, became "where the deer and the ants go to play"; forget the antelopes!  Your memories of her childhood are so vivid that it brought all of my wonderful memories back, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this.
          I am always so impressed when I read of women athletes who have made such an impact before Title IX.  I have reaped the benefits of Angela, who has allowed me to pursue my love of sports.  I am a little nervous and yet very excited to attend St. Bonaventure next year and play lacrosse.  My parents have warned me that a Division I school will be challenging, but I can't wait to get started with my new and exciting life of college, lacrosse, and most importantly teaching and coaching.  My lacrosse coach, Mrs. Battaglia has always told us that we must give back to the sport that has given us so much, and I can only hope to give back half as much as Angela.
          Again, thank you so much for this tremendous honor!  When I begin school next year at St. Bonaventure, I will think of Angela and try to be true to her spirit and legacy. 


Sincerely Yours,
Daisy Timlin

P.S.  I wanted you to know that when I received this award, my mom was telling a good friend about Angela.  Little did she know that her friend Mary Sinclair  McGuire not only lived across the street from you, but also used to baby-sit Angela and Angelo.  She remembered your family with great fondness and wishes you the best.

Daisy also made the 2008 WNY All-Star Lacrosse Team.  Click here.

         Eva Lankes, who received the Amherst Scholarship in 2009, sent the following note:
            May 25, 2009

Dear Coniglio Family,

     I am so very honored to accept this award, and will remember Angela as I am trying to create my own path in life. After reading all of Angela’s stories, I was so inspired by how many people she has touched. She has had an impact on so many people’s lives, on and off the field.

     The one story about her actions after a vandal threw a rock into her car made me laugh. I can’t believe she ran him down and called his mom! All of these stories showed me how much of a beautiful person she was, full of determination and joy.

     Next year, I will be attending Suny Brockport to major in Physical Education and will be competing on the swim team. I will keep Angela’s spirit and competitiveness with me always. Thank you again, this award is important in remembering who Angela was and keeping her memory alive.

     Someday when I am teaching, I hope I will be lucky enough to inspire at least half the amount of people as did Angela.


Eva Lankes


          2010 Scholarship recipient Casey McGuire sent these comments.

   Dear Coniglio Family,

   At the recent awards assembly, as they were announcing the qualities and standards of Angela, and what this award represented, I was truly and immediately impressed with the young woman and young adult Angela was. When my name was announced as the recipient of the award, I can honestly tell you I was shocked, and honored.
   I truly enjoyed reading about Angela, the similarities I realized we shared, and all of her accomplishments. I loved reading about her sense of humor, and the funny jokes she would crack, as I have a very similar sense of humor and desire to make others laugh and smile. I can just picture her changing in the car on her way from sporting event to sporting event, as I did the same through my basketball and travel soccer days.  
   I aspire to grow as Angela did, following her passion for education, and for athletics.  She is truly an inspiration to me, and girls like me everywhere. Angela’s persistence in sports has inspired me to continue my passion for all different kinds of athletics and hopefully start a high school coaching career of my own one day.
   Recently, Angela’s inspiration and message to “Be strong. Fight. Always look upward. Strive for the gold” has also inspired me, and my lacrosse team, to become Section IV Class C Champions. Her message inspired me individually, and I played my heart out every minute of every game, just as Angela did.   For my persistence and success on the field, I was selected to the All-Western New York team. This feat can be attributed to the lessons Angela has spread, and taught me through her message.  
   Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to represent Angela, and hopefully to spread her message half as effectively as Angela and your family have been able to.
   It was a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Coniglio.

   Casey McGuire


Casey was named to The Buffalo News 2010 WNY All-Star Lacrosse Team: click here

             Casey sent this note in 2011:


Angela's first cousin once removed Tim Valint set this request in 2011


Dear Aunt Angie and Uncle Angelo,

              I am writing to you for your consideration for the Angela Coniglio Cousins Scholarship. I am the second – and middle – son of Maria (Sowa) Valint, who was Angela’s first cousin. Like my older brother, I was too young to ever get to know Angela for myself, but from what I hear, I think we would have enjoyed each other’s company. My mother has many fond memories of her childhood growing up with Angela, much the way I do with my cousins. I often hear stories from her about Angela, and every story has something in common with the others: Angela’s propensity to make everyone smile.

             I find that Angela and I would have many things in common. I am a soccer player and an overall fit person. From what I hear, Angela was an incredible athlete, good enough to hold her own on the guys’ teams! I can only imagine how much fun it must’ve been to play with her.

             Another thing I have in common with Angela is that we both have played the violin. I have played my violin in 5 different countries for countless different people. I have also taught many young children in the Buffalo Suzuki Strings program the beginning steps of learning how to play the violin. As a teacher, herself, I can only think that Angela would approve.

              My mom has told me Angela was a great Biology teacher. Seeing as that I am attending the University at Buffalo in the fall majoring in Chemical Engineering with a Biology track, I think we could have had quite a few interesting intellectual discussions. This shared love of science will help me to discover and achieve the goals I set for myself in the future. I think that Angela would require only one thing out of my education, that I follow my heart and choose a career that I will love and enjoy.

               In the process of writing this letter, I am glad to say that I learned a lot about a really special person! In memory of my cousin Angela, I would be very much honored to receive the Cousins Scholarship. This gift from her is a way to keep Angela’s memory alive.


          "I will keep that story (Jimmy Weckerle's) in particular in mind throughout the rest of my life because it shows a valuable lesson and also portrays Angela's kind-heartedness really well." ~ excerpt from 2011 Amherst HS Scholarship winner Kristy Luce.


          2012 Scholarship recipient Allison Johnson commented in this letter:

May 27, 2012

Dear Coniglio Family,

          I feel incredibly honored to have received the Angela
Coniglio Memorial Scholarship. I would like to express my feelings of gratitude for your generosity.  When the scholarship was being presented, I listened closely to the description of Angela.  She was a devoted student, athlete, teammate, coach, and teacher who inspired others with her sense of humor and dedication.  I can only hope to follow in her footsteps as I pursue a career in Speech-Pathology at Ithaca College.

          Through reading about Angela, I have discovered the type of person she was and realize the similarities between us.  We attended the same schools growing up, surrounded by great teachers and loving families.  Just like Angela would play hockey outside with her brother, I often played basketball in my driveway with my older brother.  In high school, we both found our passions in sports. For Angela it was soccer, for me it was running.  Yet our involvement in extracurricular activities did not stop at sports. Like Angela, I was a member of the school chorale as well as a cast member and dancer in Amherst musicals.  I enjoyed reading about the success Angela had in college with soccer and her studies in science.  I hope to have as much success at Ithaca College as Angela had at Nazareth.  I would also love to have the opportunity to become a coach, as Angela was able to do after college.  Angela was a truly beautiful, talented and inspiring woman and I hope to carry a piece of Angela with me as I pursue a new chapter of my life at Ithaca College.

          Thank you too, Mr. Coniglio, for the beautifully inscribed book that was inspired by your Italian roots.  Since all four of my maternal great grandparents are from Sicily, I was fortunate enough to be able to explore my Italian heritage through my journey to Italy this past winter. 

Thank you again for the great honor of recognizing me with the Angela Coniglio Memorial Scholarship.  I hope to keep in contact with you as I pursue my future aspirations.


Sincerely, Allie Johnson



             2010 recipient Casey McGuire stayed in touch with this 2012 note:


Emma Smith sent the following letter after receiving the Angela Coniglio Memorial Scholarship at Amherst Central High School in 2013.

Dear Coniglio Family,

    I am incredibly honored to have received the Angela Coniglio Memorial Scholarship at Thursday's awards ceremony. I remember winners from previous years such as Casey and Allie, and I feel very honored to be in the same category as them. Just like Angela, these girls loved sports and took pride in everything they did.

   After reading about Angela I was impressed with how many lives she has touched. Reading story after story I couldn't help but make comparisons to myself. Just like Angela, I would always play sports with the neighborhood kids, and play my heart out just like she did. Although I was generally the only girl playing, that never stopped me from trying my hardest.  I was very moved by the story of Angela not playing until Jimmy was able to play. This shows Angela's character and how good of a person she was. Also, like Angela, I would cheer for the opposite team of my parents (just because I could) and go to U-pick farms with my dad every summer.

   Probably the biggest similarity between Angela and me is our love for soccer. I have been playing soccer since 7th grade where I was on Amherst Middle School's Modified team, and it is by far my favorite sport. Reading about Angela's hard work, dedication and love for the game really inspired me. Her accomplishments on the field were quite impressive, and as a defensive player, I know that playing against her would have been extremely tough!

   I hope one day I can be as great a woman as Angela was, and take pride in my job just like Angela did with her teaching. Next year, I will be attending Niagara University majoring in Nursing so I can learn more about my favorite subject: science. Although I do not plan to become a teacher, I hope I can touch as many people’s lives as Angela did.

   Thank you again far this great honor, and I will always remember the inspiring stories of Angela, and the lives she has touched. I enjoyed meeting you Mr. Coniglio, and I will keep Angela's strong work ethic, dedication, motivation and kindness with me as I strive to reach my goals just like Angela.


Emma Smith


Taylor Balser sent the following letter after receiving the Angela Coniglio Memorial Scholarship at Amherst Central High School in May 2014.
  June 2nd, 2014

Coniglio Family,

          Words cannot describe how lucky and honored I feel to be awarded the Angela
Coniglio Memorial Scholarship.  I cannot thank you enough for your generosity.  As the
scholarship was being presented, I listened to the description of Angela and the type of
person she was and it was clear that she was hard working, athletic, and had a positive
influence on the people she met.  I hope I become half the person Angela was.

           While reading about Angela I learned that she was kind, caring, athletic and
determined.  One of the stories that stuck out to me was the fact that she did not play
street hockey unless her friend Jimmy was also allowed to play.  From that story alone I
could see that selflessness and kindness were a few natural character traits for Angela.
The sories taht were shared were so vivid and relatable and I enjoyed getting to know her
through the memories of those who had the chance to experience the amazing person she
was first hand.  It was hard not to notice some o the similarities that Angela and I share.
I also get put at the "little kids" table at Thanksgiving because there are not enough seats
at the "big kid" table.  Just like Angela I too played firld hockey and softball.  Her
passion and determination for both school and athletics is truly inspiring as I look
forward to attending Mercyhurst University to study Early Childhood and Special
Education as well as play field hockey this fall.  I enjoyed reading about the success
Angela had at Nazareth in both her studies and athletics.  I hope I have the privilege to
coach after college just as Angela did.  Angela Coniglio was an intelligent, gifted and
truly inspiring woman.  I will now carry a part of Angela witth me throughout the next
stage of my life.

            It was a pleasure to meet you and I cannot thank you enough Mr. Coniglio for the
amazing book I was given to get to know Angela and the kind of person she was.  I truly
feel blessed and honored to have been awarded the Angela Coniglio Memorial
Scholarship.  I know my family and I truly appreciate your generosity.  I will keep in
touch and let you know how my adjustment to college is going. 

Thank you again.


      Taylor Balser





     Angelina Simon, the 2015 recipient of the Angela Coniglio Memorial Scholarship, is the aunt of Taylor Balser, the 2014 recipient.  Angelina sent this letter.

June 15, 2015

Dear Coniglio Family,

I am incredibly honored to have received the Angela Coniglio Memorial Award. As well as your very generous scholarship donation, I thank you for the opportunity to read about Angela, and all she accomplished. She was hard working, intelligent, athletic and influential. She inspired, and made an impact on so many people. As I read about Angela, I noticed a few similarities.

Like Angela, I love sports. To read all of her achievements really makes me envy her as an athlete. When reading that Angela was voted MVP, set records for points, won channel 7's "Super Athlete of the Week" and played year after year in the Empire State Games, I said to myself, "Wow, what an amazing and talented athlete." What she accomplished are goals that every female and male athlete wishes to accomplish in their sports career. I also played soccer just like Angela and I plan to continue my career of lacrosse into college. Her hard-work and athleticism will remind me, and motivate me to work hard every day while playing, and in school. Maybe, if l am lucky enough, I will also get to coach sports like Angela did.

Not only do I see that Angela and I were similar on the field, but also off the field. I am going to Mercyhurst University in Erie, Pennsylvania to major in Early Childhood Education. I've been told it is a lot of work, especially while playing sports. However, to have someone to look up to, who demonstrated that it can be done, will make it possible.

Thank you again for this wonderful gift. I really enjoyed reading the book you made and the opportunity to get to know such a wonderful person. I feel honored to be recognized with this award. I hope to be half the person Angela was. It was very nice to meet you Mr. Coniglio and I hope to keep in contact with you.

Thank you again,


Angelina Simon


The 2016 Amherst scholarship recipient was Amanda Roberts, who wrote this note.

Dear Coniglio Family,

I am truly honored to have received the Angela Coniglio Memorial Award. After hearing and reading all about Angela I can only hope to be half the woman she was. It is clear the Angela made a massive impact on her community and anyone who knew Angela, not only academically but on the field/court as well.

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to read all about Angela and everything she encountered in her tire.  It is obvious that Angela was driven, determined, selfless, and kind and always pushed herself and others to be the best they can be. It is characteristics like Angela had that I strive to achieve and hope that I exemplify to do this award justice. It was very touching to read about how Angela would only play street hockey if her friend Jimmy could play as well. It is character like that which people nowadays lack, and if only more people were like Angela the community would be a better place.

It is evident that Angela had passion in everything she did, whether it was playing street hockey and skinning her knees, or being disappointed in herself for only being an alternate for the Western Scholastic Womens' Soccer Team. It is passion and love for Athletics that Angela and I share. No matter what, you always try your best to make yourself better and you never settle for anything less than your best. I can relate to Angela's busy schedule, playing three sports myself: soccer, basketball and lacrosse, going from one practice to another always changing in the car and staying up late to finish school work; it is always worth it in the end.

I hope that going on into the future I can represent my school and fulfill Angela's shoes and strive to be the best student athlete I can be. Next year I will be attending Alfred University majoring in Health and Fitness Management with a minor in Exercise Science so that I can continue to make an impact in the athletic community. Although I don't plan on teaching per se, it is my hope that I can influence as many lives as Angela did.

Thank you so much for giving me the honor of receiving this award and allowing me to get to know the kind of person Angela was.  Mr. Coniglio I want to thank you especially for presenting my award, I really enjoyed meeting you and getting to know about Angela. I hope that in the future I live up the standards that Angela has set and can make an impact in the community just like she did.



Amanda Roberts


Every once in a while, Angela tells us "hello".
In July 2016, our neighbor at Crystal beach, Jack Potts, brought us this note from someone we had never met.


In 2016, Raven Robinson received the Angela’s Cousins Scholarship

Dear Uncle Angelo and Aunt Angie,

I'm writing this letter in hope to receive the Angela Coniglio Cousins Scholarship. I am Natasha Miller's daughter. My grandfather is Andrew Miller who is the son of Concetta. Angela was my cousin who I was not able to meet.

I graduated Fitch High School this year with my CNA Licenses. I will be attending Southern Connecticut State University this August in their pre-nursing program which I will apply for their nursing program my sophomore year of college to Major in Nursing. I  plan to graduate college with my RN. I enjoy taking care of others who are in need of care. When I get my RN I plan to work in the Hospitals, I think I would enjoy being a RN on the Maternity Floor taking care of the babies and the mothers. I think becoming a nurse will be a great experience for me because it's something my heart desires to be.

Raven Robinson



Also in 2016, the Cousins Scholarship went to Bailey Orion Valint


Dear Aunt Angie and Uncle Angelo:

      I'm writing you this letter to be considered for the Angela Coniglio Cousins Scholarship. I am the youngest son of Maria (Sowa) Valint, Angela's first cousin.

      Although I am too young to have ever known Angela, I've been able to gather that she was certainly someone worth knowing! All those nights I'd spend at the beach, I'd be looking at all Angela's pictures and plaques and thinking, "Wow, this is incredible!" I've also heard many stories from my mother about growing up with Angela. She accomplished so much in her short life. From the sound of it, she was a pretty fun person to be around.

      I'd like to think that I share some similarities with Angela, and that we'd have a good time talking about them too. I played soccer for my entire childhood and even dabbled as a hockey goalie; Being the youngest of three siblings, I got stuck playing goal but came to enjoy it a great deal.

      I also understand that Angela played the violin. I recently had the opportunity to travel and play my violin in South Africa, with the vision of World harmony through music. On top of that experience, I have helped to teach and guide younger students in the program in violin studies. Angela herself was a teacher, so I know she would recognize that feeling of making a difference.

      This coming year I will be attending the University at Buffalo with a dual major between Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. Since Angela was a Biology teacher, I can imagine she would be happy to see me pursuing a career in science.

      I'm happy to say that through this process, I've learned a great deal about Angela, and the wonderful person she was. I would be honored to receive the Cousins Scholarship, and in doing so, keeping my cousin Angela's memory alive! Oh, and one more thing ... POTATO!


                                                                                                                                Bailey Valint


In 2017, Kylie Miller received the Angela’s Cousins Scholarship

April 12, 2017

Dear Uncle Angelo and Aunt Angie:

         I am writing to you to be considered for the Angela Coniglio Cousins Scholarship. I am the youngest daughter of Matthew and Dana Miller, and am the first cousin once removed of Angela. Although I never met Angela or got to know her, I have always heard stories about her while I was growing up and have always felt like I knew her personally.

My father told me about her passions and motivation and I have always wished I could be even half as motivated as she was. I plan on going to the University of Arkansas in the fall and double majoring in journalism and Spanish. I will continue to remember Angela throughout these years of college and use her memory as a motivation to be the best I can be.

I believe Angela and I would have been amazing friends. I played soccer for years and always had an intense love for the sport. I wish I could have had the opportunity to share this love with Angela. I always have had a passion for the sport, and always gave my all. Angela also showed this drive and passion when she played and I am proud to share this trait with her.

Another passion I share with Angela is teaching. I work at my after school care program watching preschool children. Although I am not truly teaching these children I am capable of teaching them social skills that will be beneficial throughout their lives. This is something I love to be able to do, and I know Angela loved this as well.

While I am not very interested in science or biology I am extremely passionate about journalism and Spanish. I may not have the exact same interests as Angela did, but I am able to use her as an example throughout the rest of my college career. Angela never gave up or slacked off. She did her best in everything she did, and I plan on doing the same. I am hoping to keep a 4.0 GPA my entire college career, and I plan on getting into a top graduate school for journalism. All the years of hearing Angela's stories has given me this drive and motivation to do my best and turn my passions into a career.

I never really knew Angela, but I feel like I know her now.  Writing this letter has helped to show me how wonderful a person she was, and to truly understand her. Angela Coniglio was an extraordinary woman, and has helped me gain motivation in my life.  I will always thank her for that.

With love,
Kylie Miller


The 2017 recipient of Amherst Central High School’s
Angela Y. Coniglio Memorial Scholarship was Hannah Smith

Dear Coniglio Family,  

            I cannot begin to express how honored I am to have received the Angela Coniglio Memorial Award. It is an absolute honor for me to be receiving this award given the fact that I look up to many of the previous recipients. I would first and foremost like to thank you for your unwavering generosity over the years. After listening and reading about Angela I have gotten more of an idea of who Angela was as a person. A kind-heart and compassionate individual who was a deeply devoted teacher, athlete, coach, and friend to many. As shown by all of the letters from former students, faculty members, family members, and friends, it is clearly evident that Angela left a lasting impact on many people's lives. I hope that someday I will be able to say the same for myself.

            As I read through the booklet I began to realize how similar Angela and I truly are. Like Angela, soccer is my favorite sport. I've played soccer for 13 years on both school and travel teams through the town of Amherst. I played soccer, basketball, and lacrosse for Amherst every year from 7th through 12th grade. One of the funniest similarities that I found was that Angela's brother called her "the flea". Whenever I played defense in basketball my parents would call me a "pesky gnat" because I would be all over the people I was def ending. Another similarity between Angela and I is that we both wore number nine. I've worn number nine for both soccer and lacrosse for as long as I can remember. When I was younger I would always go out and play games with the boys in my neighborhood. Sitting around and playing with dolls never interested me; but being outside, playing games, and getting dirty was more my forte, just like Angela.

Hearing about Angela and Jimmy reminds me of how I was with my friend Sean. In elementary school my parents requested that my older brothers and I be put in inclusion classrooms so we could learn how to help others and be caring toward kids with developmental disorders. One of my best friends from kindergarten was Sean who had Down Syndrome. Sean and I were inseparable and did everything together. Sadly Sean and I were never in classes together after kindergarten but whenever I see him I still smile and wave. Reading about all of Angela's accolades not only athletically, but also academically and personally is truly inspiring to me.

            Next year I plan to attend SUNY Cortland where I'll be pursuing a major in inclusive elementary education. I also plan on playing on the club soccer, or lacrosse team at Cortland. I hope to one day be even half of the teacher that Angela was.

            Once again I would just like to thank you for giving me both the honor of receiving the award and the opportunity to get to know such an astounding woman like Angela. I really enjoyed meeting you Mr. Coniglio, and I look forward to keeping in touch with you in the future.


Hannah Smith


Also in 2017, Haley Jee Coniglio received the Angela’s Cousins Scholarship

June 21, 2017

Dear Family,

             I am asking for consideration for the Angela Coniglio Cousins Scholarship.  I am the daughter of Robert & Mindy Coniglio. Robert is Angela's first cousin once removed, which I believe makes me Angela's first cousin twice removed.

             I wasn't fortunate enough to have met Angela, but I think we would've loved each other.  I know she loved helping others and was able to get along with all types of people and students.  I also know she stood up for what she thought was right - I aim to do the same.  Angela was also a fan of music and played the violin.  I played viola, tuba, and piano before focusing on chorus.  I was a member of 4 different choral groups at Williamsville South HS and this past year I was the student director for the Mixed Chorus.  This Saturday I am graduating with an Advanced Regents Diploma.

            The scholarship will help me achieve my future goals.  I will be attending the Academy of Salon Professionals starting in September.  It is an 11-month program.  I want to specialize in esthetics and permanent makeup.  My goal in the future is to one day own a salon.  Thank you for the consideration.


Haley Jee Coniglio


         Already at the University of Buffalo, Tommy Coniglio Jr. applied for Angela’s Cousins Scholarship


Dear Aunt Angie and Uncle Angelo,

In honor of the memory of Angela Coniglio, and the opportunity Angela left the young scholars of the Coniglio Family, I am submitting this letter to you. I’m submitting it in hope of your consideration to be a recipient of the Angela Coniglio Cousins Scholarship. My Grandfather Tony Coniglio was the brother of Angela’s father Angelo Coniglio. My father Thomas Harold Coniglio is the first cousin of Angela. This would make me, Thomas Anthony Coniglio, Angela's first cousin once removed. Like many of the young members of the Coniglio Family I’m not old enough to have known Angela. Luckily, through the stories told through those that did know her in fife, I can still appreciate the accomplishments she had achieved.

I am currently attending the University at Buffalo for Accounting. I’m at the end of my Junior year. I will graduate with a Master of Business Administration {MBA} in Accounting by the end of 2019. Following that year, I’ll pursue a career in my field while jointly finishing a fifth year in the graduate program.  Following my fifth year, I’ll apply to become a Certified Public Accountant {CPA}.

            It is important to recognize members of our family no longer with us, and marvel at their accomplishments in life. If we, the younger members. of the Coniglio family can adopt the same passion and determination that our cousin Angela had, then it will motivate us to accomplish our own goals and aspirations during our own journey.

            I would like to thank you, the loving parents of Angela Coniglio for your time in reviewing my application for the Angela Coniglio Cousins Scholarship. I greatly appreciate the opportunity to receive such a scholarship. This grant will aid me in the pursuit of my own academic goals at the University at Buffalo.

 I would also like to take the time to thank Angela herself for leaving her family this wonderful opportunity, while I also write a few words of sentiment.


Thank you for leaving your family this wonderful gift. I wasn’t able to meet you in this life, but through those that did I learned so many wonderful things about vou. Though your bother I learned how funny, athletic, loving and determined you were.  Through your parents I learned how inrtelligent, generous and thoughtful you were, Through your cousins that knew you, I learned how sweet, durable, and strong you were. These characteristics lead me to believe that we would have grown very close, I wish I could have had the joy of meeting you.                                                                      

                                                                                                               With love,

                                                                                                                        Thomas Coniglio

Uncle Angelo and Aunt Angie, thank you for reviewing my submission. I look forward to hearing your decision about the Angela Coniglio Cousins Scholarship.

                                                                                                                            Gratefully Yours,  

                                                                                                                        Thomas Coniglio



In 2018, Elizabeth Jacobia received the Angela Coniglio Memorial Scholarship from Amherst Central High School

June 27, 2018

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Coniglio,

             I wanted to thank you for the Angela Coniglio Memorial Award. I am honored to be a part of this amazing scholarship. Angela is truly inspiring and a great role model for me. Her strength and wisdom affected others in the best way. After learning more about her work in schools I can see why she is loved so much. She was relatable and driven, which are qualities that I aspire to have. She was an incredible athlete that not only had respect on the field but off the field. She motivated and pushed teammates as much as she challenged herself to be better. This is something that I will constantly think of as I further my field hockey career in college.

            Angela and I have many things in common which made this award very special to me. I learned she was the captain of her field hockey team. I can only hope that I was half the captain she was. I wished she could have been my captain to teach me and push me to do my best every practice and every game. Her positive attitude would connect several individual parts to become a unit, a team.

            She was admired by so many people throughout her whole life. By adults, friends, family, students, and teammates. The schools she taught at, the colleges she attended, the high school she attended, and several other groups noticed her significance in the community. She touched many lives and her message is remembered. We must work hard to accomplish our goals. We determine what we can accomplish. I try to live by these morals everyday to not only improve my fitness and play but to improve my relationships and mind.

            Angela has also inspired me to be more confident when going to college with a chemistry mindset. Her success proves that being a collegiate athlete with a science major is doable. She also shows that being a woman with a science major can make such a large impact on other people’s lives.

            The stories and memories of Angela show her sense of humor which I can relate to. I love making people laugh. I loved the stories about Angela and Angelo doing things together because I have two little sisters that I am always doing fun things with. We can always find something to turn into entertainment.

            I will bring the lessons and memory or Angela everywhere I go as motivation to be the best person I can be. I will think about all her success to guide myself to find my success. Thank you again for this award. I am honored to be a recipient of an award that was given to some of the best women from Amherst. Thank you for passing Angela’s story to me because I will use it and remember it for the rest of my life.

            I will keep in touch as I continue on to college. Thank you so much again.


Paige Smith was the recipient of the ACHS Angela Y. Coniglio Memorial Scholarship in 2019

July 11, 2019

Dear Coniglio Family, 

I would first like to say I'm truly honored to receive the Angela Coniglio Memorial Award. It's an honor to be a part of an exceptional group of women. After learning more about Angela, I was truly in awe of what a dedicated and kind person she was. Her devotion to both academics and athletics is inspiring. After reading letters from former students, colleagues, family, and friends, it's clear Angela's devotion was recognized throughout the community. 

Angela's compassion really stood out to me, especially the story about playing street hockey with Jimmy. I had a cousin who had Down's Syndrome, and I noticed that he would face what Jimmy faced. That story will always stick with me, and I hope to carry Angela's compassion into my own classroom one day. My cousin has since passed, but I remember his kindness and try to apply it to my own life.

Angela's love for the game and leadership on and off the field is admirable as well. What really stuck out to me was her hockey career. I believe moments like those are really what laid the foundation for women's athletics at Amherst. Her coaching history is incredible as well. Like Angela, I want to have an impact on kids both in the classroom and in the water, and I hope to use her as an example of what a fantastic coach is. 

Next year I will be attending Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, where I will be majoring in Early Childhood and Special Education, and I will be competing on the swim team. I will keep in touch as I continue through college.

Again, thank you for sharing Angela's story with the world.


Paige Smith


 Angela’s first cousin Jackie Miller Feingold was one of the first recipients of the Cousins Scholarship. 
She sent this note with a generous contribution to keep the fund going.


In 2021, Angela’s first cousin twice removed, Catherine Nancy Scherrer
submitted this application for Angela’s Cousins’ Scholarship


Dear Aunt Angie and Uncle Angelo,

             I'm writing to you to be considered for the Angela Coniglio Cousins Scholarship. I am the oldest daughter of Rebecca (Coniglio) Scherrer. Unfortunately, Angela passed away before I was born, so I never had the opportunity to meet her, but I do feel as though I know her because of the many stories my mother has shared about her. My mother always said how she looked up to Angela and frequently shares the fond memories she has of  her.. My mother told me about Angela being the first girl on the boy’s hockey team, which I believe is extremely courageous. This is just one of Angela's many achievements.

I am able to feel as though I am connected to Angela in a way because I attend Amherst Central High School just as she did. I have attended the award ceremony where I have witnessed fellow students receive the Angela Yvonne Coniglio Memorial Scholarship. I saw both my mother     and Uncle Angelo speak at this ceremony and heard about Angela's many achievements and successes. Like Angela I have played sports at Amherst Central High School since freshman year including Volleyball and Basketball both of which Angela played, but I may not be receiving Amherst's Ed Baer Award like Angela.

I have heard Angela was an amazing teacher who received high admiration from all her students. I am undecided about which com e of studies I will choose but will most likely attend either the University of Tampa or University of Dayton in fall of 2021. I received merit scholarships at both of these schools due to my high academic grades.

Although I never was able to meet her, I am proud to say I have such a successful and hard-working cousin. It is great that this scholarship is available to keep her memory alive, and I would be very honored to receive it. Thank you for your consideration.

With Love,

Catherine Scherrer


Angela’s first cousin twice removed, Ryan Coniglio
sent us his application for the Cousins’ Scholarship

Dear Uncle Angelo and Aunt Angie,

          I am writing to you for your consideration for the Angela Coniglio Scholarship. I believe I am her first cousin, twice removed. I am the son of Robert Coniglio and Malynda Coniglio. From what my family has told me, Angela and I have a lot in common.

         When I played soccer in previous years, I switched my number from 13 to 9, because my family told me about the history of Angela and the number 9. I wore that number with pride. As a veteran of travel soccer with countless goals, my only career goal for my school came against Amherst - where Angela is in the Hall of Fame

           I also know that Angela has played multiple sports for her school as that is something I can relate to very well. Angela has also advocated for minorities no matter what the circumstances were as that has a deep meaning in my heart. I have been accepted to the state school of SUNooY Fredonia and I plan to major in either Early Childhood Education or Exercise Science.

           It would be an honor to be considered for Angela's Scholarship. Thank you for your consideration.


Ryan Coniglio
Williamsville South Class of 2021


In 2022, Angela’s first cousin twice removed, Margaret Kathleen Scherrer , Catherine’s sister,
submitted this application for Angela’s Cousins’ Scholarship

Dear Aunt Angie· and Uncle Angelo,


              I am writing to you to be considered for the Angela Coniglio Cousins Scholarship. I am the youngest daughter of Rebecca (Coniglio) Scherrer and believe I am her first cousin, twice removed. While I was never given the opportunity to meet Angela, I feel as though I have known her  my entire life from hearing stories about her and her legacy. After hearing many stories about her love and dedication for sports, education, and helping others I hope and aspire to be like Angela and help keep her memory alive.

              One of the many similarities between Angela and I is that I attend Amherst Central High School, just as she did. I feel honored to attend the same school Angela did where she accomplished many athletic achievements in sports like soccer. I have talked to Angela's friends, teammates, and classmates who have or now currently work or coach at Amherst Central High School and all have been honored to know Angela and call her a friend. Like Angela I played volleyball and have been honored to be a part of Unified Basketball which is a program that allows Amherst students with and without intellectual disabilities to join a team that supports social inclusion of everyone. I feel as though I am similar to Angela in this aspect because we both are dedicated to helping others out and found that at Amherst Central High School.

              I have heard that Angela took her education very seriously and was loved by her students and colleagues where she worked and coached in Batavia, Auburn, and Port Byron. Due to my dedication in all my studies throughout the last four years at Amherst Central High School, I will be attending Michigan State University in the fall of 2022 where I am enrolled in the honors college. I am currently enrolled as undecided but have always been interested in science and will be exploring that option.

              I am honored to be related to Angela Yvonne Coniglio and although I have never met her, I will continue to learn about her legacy and keep her memory alive. I am proud to be a candidate  for the Angela Yvonne Coniglio Cousins Scholarship and know Angela is proud of every candidate and women who are attending college for education. I would be honored to receive this scholarship and greatly appreciate this opportunity and your consideration.


Margaret Scherrer


Angela’s first cousin twice removed, Hope Marie Sedita, Joan Coniglio Ketterer’s granddaughter, sent this application.

May 12, 2023

Dear Aunt Angie and Uncle Angelo,

I appreciate the opportunity to write to you about my interest in the Scholarship for the Cousins of Angela Coniglio. I am the granddaughter of Joan J. Coniglio, who was Angela’s first cousin. I am proud to be a member of the Coniglio family and have looked forward to the times I have been able to meet and spend time with members of the family at the picnics at Akron Falls.

My mother, Kim Sedita, has told me a lot about your daughter Angela, whom I have enjoyed reading about on the Coniglio Family Website. Although my mother never met Angela, she has shared stories from her mom of Angela being a smart, funny, spirited young lady who was an outstanding athlete who advocated for women in sports. I also know that Angela was a coach and teacher who desired to make a positive impact on the lives of young people. This is all very inspirational to me.

I am graduating from Grand Island High School this June and will be attending St. Bonaventure University in the fall of 2023 where I will study psychology. Although I have not yet selected a specific career within this field, I know that I want to work with and support other people. I am exploring the idea of playing a club sport at St. Bonaventure as I have a background in both swimming and cross country.

 Please know that if I am selected to receive this scholarship, I will accept the contribution with much gratitude and appreciation for our family. I recognize that through this scholarship, Angela’s legacy lives on.


Hope M. Sedita
Hope M. Sedita



          In 1912, at the age of twenty-three, Gaetano Coniglio married Rosa Alessi, then nineteen years old, in Serradifalco, Caltanisetta, Sicily.  They lived in a region of Sicily where Gaetano had been a sulfur miner and a soldier in the Italian army.  They soon had their first child, Gaetano (Guy), and like thousands of others at the time, dreamed of a new life and new opportunities in America.  Gaetano came to America in 1913 and brought "Rosina" and the baby to the new world in 1914.

          In America, the family grew, and eventually settled in Buffalo.  In addition to Guy, their children were: Leonard, Raymond, Felice (Phil), Carmela (Millie), Concetta (Connie), Maria (Mary), Anthony (Tony), and Angelo.  Through Gaetano's and Rosa's hard work, they became home-owners and saw their family flourish.  Gaetano passed on in 1944, but Rosa lived to welcome and revel in the birth of all twenty-seven of her grandchildren.

          Angelo married Angie Bongiovanni, and they had two kids; Angelo, and Angela, the youngest grandchild of Gaetano and Rosa.  Angela was a vibrant child who grew into a young woman with many passions: sports of all kinds; competition; coaching; science and biology; and teaching. 

         For years Angela played goalie on boys' hockey teams; she played hockey and lettered in several other sports at Amherst Central High School; she played soccer for thirteen summers in the Empire State Games; and she starred in women’s soccer at Nazareth College of Rochester, where she set school records for single game assists and career assists.  She is in the Athletic Hall of Fame at both Amherst High School and Nazareth College, and in the Greater Buffalo Sports Hall of Fame with the likes of Jack Kemp, Gil Perreault, Richard Martin and Ernie Warlick.

          After college, Angela taught junior and senior high school Science and Biology courses, refereed girls' soccer, and coached girls' track, softball, basketball and field hockey.  She was an advocate for women and minorities throughout her career.  She loved teaching, and her students enjoyed her classes immensely.  One student told a story about how Angela once stood on her head and swallowed gummy-worms in front of a biology class, to demonstrate the process of peristalsis.

          This scholarship uses funds that Angela left on her passing, enhanced by gifts from her beloved aunts, uncles and cousins; and it is intended to help her cousins achieve a goal she cherished: education.  Please accept it in memory of her, and consider it a gift from your cousin Angela.



1997 Nicholas Steht, first cousin once removed 1998 Phil Tiranno, first cousin once removed
1998 Aaron Miller, first cousin once removed 2000 Jordan Knight, first cousin once removed
2000 Sammy Tiranno, first cousin, once removed 2000 Adam Steht, first cousin once removed
2000 Natasha Miller, first cousin once removed 2000 Jackie Miller, first cousin
2004 Julia Coniglio, first cousin once removed 2005 Chris Tiranno, first cousin once removed
2006 Sarah Lang, first cousin once removed 2006 Bob Coniglio, first cousin once removed
2007 Emma Feingold, first cousin once removed 2008 Greg Lang, first cousin once removed
2008 DJ Valint, first cousin once removed 2009 Lauren Silvestro, first cousin once removed
2009 Alessi Miller, first cousin once removed 2009 Amanda Skinner, first cousin once removed
2010 Rachel Silvestro, first cousin once removed 2011 Tim Valint, first cousin once removed
2012 Zach Skinner, first cousin once removed 2013 Francesca Sowa, first cousin once removed
2015 Morgan Wright, first cousin, twice removed 2016 Raven Robinson, first cousin, twice removed
2016 Bailey Valint, first cousin once removed 2017 Kylie Miller, first cousin once removed
2017 Haley Jee Coniglio, first cousin twice removed 2018 Thomas Anthony Coniglio, first cousin once removed

2021 Catherine Nancy Scherrer, first cousin twice removed

2021 Ryan Coniglio, first cousin twice removed

2022 Margaret Kathleen Scherrer, first cousin twice removed

2023 Hope Marie Sedita, first cousin twice removed



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Amherst Central High School


Awarded each year to a Senior Woman

who best reflects Angela's qualities: 

Athletic Excellence and a Commitment to Education


1997 Carolyn Walsh
1999  Lindsay Sornberger
2001 Jennifer Koeppel
2003 Khrista Trerotola
2005 Ashley Yantomasi
2007 Christine Domres LeGoff
2009 Eva Lankes
2011 Kristy Luce
2013 Emma Smith
2015 Angelina Simon
2017 Hannah G. Smith
2019 Paige Smith

2021 Katherine Jacobia
2023 Kelsey Sorensen

1998  Katherine Moore
2000  Laura Mallia
2002 Kelly Parkot
2004 Katelyn Rudolph
2006 Emily Warren
2008 Daisy Timlin
2010 Casey McGuire
2012 Allison Johnson
2014 Taylor Balser
2016 Amanda Roberts
2018 Elizabeth Jacobia
2020 Audrianna Mazzara

2022 Ryan Hesch
2024 Sage Sabatino


The Angela Y. Coniglio Memorial Scholarship is presented annually to a Senior Woman at Amherst who has excelled in athletics and plans to pursue a career in the sciences or education.

Angela attended Amherst before present students were born, but like them, she walked the same halls, participated in sports and productions, attended assemblies like this one, and she LOVED Amherst.

On her graduation in 1984, Angela held the highest accumulation of Athletic Points in the school’s history. She died unexpectedly at age thirty in 1996, but in her time at Amherst, she had starred in numerous sports, including Basketball, Volleyball, Field Hockey and Soccer. In her Senior year, she led Amherst’s Boys ‘Club’ Ice Hockey team to a championship, earning Most Valuable Player honors as the goalie. She received Amherst’s Ed Baer Award, and is a member of the school’s Athletic Hall of Fame.

After leaving Amherst, Angela played Varsity Softball and Soccer at Nazareth College of Rochester, breaking that school’s Soccer assist records.

In 1988, Angela was graduated from Nazareth with a degree in Biology, and after receiving her teaching certification from Daemen College in 1989, she went on to teach Science and Biology, and coach several sports at high schools in Batavia, Auburn and Port Byron. In 1995, she was named to the ‘Who’s Who of American Teachers’. In 1999, she was inducted to the Nazareth Athlete’s Hall of Fame. For several years she also played Soccer in the New York Empire State Games, earning Bronze and Silver Medals.

Angela is a 2021 inductee to the Greater Buffalo Sports Hall of Fame, where she joined others previously enshrined, including Jack Kemp, Gil, Perreault, Ernie Warlick, and many other stellar Western New York athletes.

Throughout her life, she was a strong advocate of equality for Womens’ Sports at the elementary, high school and collegiate levels.

The Coniglio family hopes that this scholarship will help advance Womens’ Athletics, and encourage Amherst women to become teachers.


           In 1999, gifts from friends and family were combined with funds from Angela's estate and gifted to the Amherst Central School District.   The award grew from $250, to $850 in 2001, to $1,000 in 2014.   Later gifts from friends and family have increased the fund, and future awards are expected to increase further.  In 2016, the funds were transferred to the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo, where they will generate a perpetual endowed scholarship for future Amherst Central High School women. Under CFGB management, by 2022, the amount of the award had risen to $2,000.



Contributions to future scholarships may be made to:

Angela Y. Coniglio Memorial Scholarship at ACHS



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to be continued . . . .


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