Year one thousand eight hundred
eighty-seven, day ten of the month May
in Sora at the hour eleven-twenty
AM in the
Town Hall.
Before me, Paolo Forti, Secretary delegated
by the Mayor by act
day 16 September 1883, duly approved, and
of the
Civil Record of the Town of Sora, has
appeared Felicia
D'Orazio, of years
forty-seven, Keeper of the Wheel of
castoffs, living in Sora,
who has presented to me
a baby of the feminine sex, who declared to having
received her in the public wheel of castoffs,
at about
the hour
five AM of today, wrapped in some ragged linen cloths,
without any birthmarks, and of
the apparent
age of
about two
and to
which infant,
by virtue of article three hun-
dred seventy-seven of the
I have given the name of Resti-
tuta and the surname of Abbandonata.
I previously decided that the said
baby would
be retained by the
said Keeper in order to transfer the child today to a wet-nurse _
To the above and to this registration
are present these
witnesses, Francesco Di Vito of years
seventy-one, laborer,
and Rocco Colletta of years
seventy-eight, Laborer, both
with homes in and resident in tis Town_
After reading this record, it has been
signed only by me,
the declarant and the witnesses having asserted that they know
not how to write. signed P _ Forti
No 6
Restituta Abbandonata
Restituta Abbandonata on day
1906 in the Town
of Sora contracted matrimony
with Francesco Mammone
The Official of the Civil Record :
Marischielli. |