Restituta Abbandonata

Born: about March or April, 1887 ~Sora, Frosinone, Italia
Found: 10 May 1887 ~Sora
Survived, married  Francesco Mammone on 29 February 1906 ~Sora
Emigrated from Port of Naples on 15 September 1908,
to her husband Francesco Mammone, Leominster, Massachusetts
Died: 11 September, 1959, Leominster, Massachusetts


Meaning of Abbandonata [uh-bahn-doh-NAH-tuh]: 'abandoned'



From Sora Registri Stato Civile Film No. 1883349, 1874 Births, Part II, No. 6, Restituta Abbandonata



A T T I    D I    N  A  S  C  I  T  A


   L'Anno milleottocentoottantasette addi dieci del mese di Maggio
   in Sora alle ore undici e minuti venti antemeridiane nella

Casa Comunale
   Avanti di me Paolo Forti, Segretario delegato dal Sindaco, con atto

 del di 16 Settembre 1883, debitamente approvato ed Uffiziale
dello Stato Civile del Comune di Sora, è comparsa Felicia
D'Orazio, di anni quarantasette, Custode della Ruota dei
proietti, domiciliata in Sora, la quale mi ha presentato
  una bambina di sesso feminile, che mi dichiara averla
  ricivenuta nella pubblica ruota dei
proietti verso le ore ante
  meridiane cinque d'oggi, avvolta ad alcuni panni di tela
  laceri senza alcun segno e dell' apparente
età di mesi oltre
  due ed alla quale bambina in virt
ú dell' articolo trecen-
  tosettantasette del Codice Civile, ho dato il nome di Resti-
  tuta ed il Cognome di Abbandonata.
  Ho previdi disposto che la detta bambina si ritenesse della
  detta Custode per indi passari alla nutrice _
  A quanto sopra e a presente atto sono stati presenti qual'
  testimoni Francesco Di Vito di anni settantuno, bracciante,
  e Rocco Colletta di anni settantotto, Bracciante, ambi
  domiciliati e redidente in questo Comune_
  Il presente atto previa lettura
è stato da me solo fir-
  mato, avendo la dichiarante e testimoni asserito di
  non saper scrivere. fto P _ Forti

      No 6
Abbandonata Restituta
Abbandonata Restituta nel gior-
no 29 febbraio 1906 nel Comune
di Sora ha contratto matrimonio
con Mammone Francesco
  L'Uffle dello Stato Civile :



     Because civil birth records for foundlings were usually longer than for ordinary births and didn't fit the standard format, often they were entered in the town register at the end of the entries for regular births, in a 'Second Part' of the register, with a new sequence of record numbers.  The given name Restituta, though it sounds like a typical name given to foundlings, was a common name in Sora, whose patron was Santa Restituta, the "restored saint".  The surname Abbandonata ("abandoned") was a typical stigmatic surname imposed on foundlings.


R E C O R D S   O F    B I R T H S

 Year one thousand eight hundred eighty-seven, day ten of the month May
   in Sora at the hour eleven-twenty AM in the
  Town Hall.
  Before me, Paolo Forti, Secretary delegated by the Mayor by act
 of day 16 September 1883, duly approved, and Official
of the Civil Record of the Town of Sora, has appeared Felicia
D'Orazio, of years forty-seven, Keeper of the Wheel of
castoffs, living in Sora, who has presented to me
  a baby of the feminine sex, who declared to having
  received her in the public wheel of castoffs,
at about the hour
  five AM of today, wrapped in some ragged linen cloths,
  without any birthmarks, and of the apparent age of about two
and to which infant, by virtue of article three hun-
  dred seventy-seven of the Civil Code, I have given the name of Resti-
  tuta and the surname of Abbandonata.
  I previously decided that the said baby would be retained by the
  said Keeper in order to transfer the child today to a wet-nurse _
  To the above and to this registration are present these
  witnesses, Francesco Di Vito of years seventy-one, laborer,
  and Rocco Colletta of years seventy-eight, Laborer, both
  with homes in and resident in tis Town_
  After reading this record, it has been signed only by me,  
the declarant and the witnesses having asserted that they know
  not how to write. signed P _ Forti

      No 6
Restituta Abbandonata
Restituta Abbandonata  on day
29 February 1906 in the Town
of Sora contracted matrimony
with Francesco Mammone
 The Official of the Civil Record :


    Genealogist Ann Tatangelo ( provided this record. It is a schedule of payments for wet-nurses of foundlings for Sora, Lazio, Frosinone, Italy.  The column headings are translated as follows:____________________________________________________ 

DISTRETTO di ____, CIRCONDARIO di ___,  ~ Comuni, ~ domicilio
DISTRICT of _______, ENVIRONS of _______,  ~ Towns, ~ household

Since all the entries were for the town of Sora, blanks were left in the title, and the column was used for chronological enumeration of the foundlings.  Restituta Abbandonata is at line 5.
NOMI le' Projetti, e lougi dove sono stati esposti
NAMES of these Castoffs, and the places where they were put out
Names only were listed, the assumption being that they were all left in the wheel.
EPOCA della nascita, o dell' espositione
DATE AND TIME of birth, or of exposure

The year, 1887, is shown at the top of the column.  Restituta was found on 10 May 1887 at the apparent age of two months, so she was likely born in early March 1887.
NOMI, e COGNOMI delle nutrici, ed epoca della consegna
NAMES, and SURNAMES of the wet-nurses, and time of the consignment

Restituta was consigned to Vincenza Alonzo, wife of [Gaetano?] Tersigni
PAGAMENTO mensuale: Lire., Cen.
Monthly PAYMENT: Lire, Centisimi

This column was left blank.  There may have been no payment, or it may have been a standard amount that didn't require recording.

The entries in this column note the dates of death of the foundlings.  Four of the eight infants found between 8 February and 17 August died within 6 months of being found; one, as few as ten days later.

This column was left blank. 
Restituta Abbandonata survived, and married Francesco Mammone in Sora on 29 February, 1906.  They eventually emigrated to the United States and settled in Massachusetts, where they had seventeen children.  At least three perished as infants or young children, but Francesco and Restituta are shown here with twelve of their offspring in a 1930 photograph.


Click HERE for more about foundlings.


The Lady of the Wheel is a fictional account of events in the life of one foundling. Click on the book's cover below for more about the book.





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