Ferdinando Urbino

Found: 30 may 1871 ~Serradifalco, Caltanissetta, Sicilia
Survived, married Maria Saldi on 28 August 1871 ~Serradifalco


Meaning of Urbino [oor-BEE-noh]: possibly little blind one



From Serradifalco Registri Stato Civile Film No. 1964309, 1871 Births, No. 144, Ferdinando Urbino



L'anno milleottocentosettantuno l giorno trenta
 del mese di Maggio alle ore tredici Italane nella
Casa Comunale dinanzi a me Vincenzo Dottor Se-
sta Assessore funzionante da Sindaco come per nota del
 giorno due del mese di Novembre dello scorso
 anno, ed Ufiziale Dello Stato Civile del Comune
di Serradifalco Circondario e Provincia di Calta-
comparsa Concetta Digiugno figlia
 di Michele di anni quarantacinque di professio-
ne ricevitrice de'proietti domiciliata in Serradifal-
 co, la quale mi ha dichiarato che alle ore cinque
Italiane di oggi,
è stato immesso nella ruota de proietti
di questo Comune sita Strada Sferrazza un bambino
di sesso maschile chi me ha presentato da recente
 nato, involto in logoro pannolini e fascie di tela
 bianchi, e coppola di mussolino bianco, senza se-
 gna apparente, figlio di genitori ignoti, al qua-
 le si a dato il nome di Ferdinando e il co-
 gnome di Urbino.______________
 La quale dichiarazione vieni fatta alla presenza
di Leonardo Venezia figlio di Vincenzo di anni ventitre
di professione zolfataro, e Calogero Giambra figlio
del fu Giuseppe, di anni quarantadue di profes-
sione zolfataro, domiciliati in Serradifalco, testimo-
ni scelti dalla dichiarante stessa, e quale dopo aver
avuto lettura del presente atto stesso contempora-neamente sui due registri originale si
è da me sot-
toscritto solamente, avendo la dichiarante ed i te-
stimoni detto di non sapere sottoscrivere.
Sig Vincenzo Dr Sesta


Num di Ord Centoquarantaquattro
Ferdinando Urbino
Urbino Ferdinando il 29 Agosto 1898 in
Serradifalco contrasse matrimonio con
Saldi Maria ~ L'Alunno




Year one thousand eight hundred seventy-one, day thirty
of the month of May at hour thirteen Italian in the
Town Hall before me Doctor Vincenzo Se-
sta Councilor, assistant Mayor as was noted  on
day two of the month of Novemeber of lhis past
year, and Official of the Civil Record of the Town
of Serradifalco Environs and Province of Calta-
nissetta,has appeared
Concetta Digiugno daughter
 of Michele of years forty-five of occupati-
on receiver of castoffs living in Serradifal-
 co, who has declared to me that at hour five
Italian of today,
in the wheel of castoffs of this town, located in Strada Sferrazza, she found a baby
of male sex who she presented to me, of recent birth, wrapped in threadbare white diapers and bands
of linen, with a cap of white muslin, without
birthmarks, a son of unknown parents to whom
 the name of Ferdinando and the sur-
 name of Urbino.______________
 This declarartion was made in the presence 
of Leonardo Venezia son of Vincenzo, age twenty-three, occupation sulfur miner, and Calogero Giambra son of the late Giuseppe, age forty-two, occupa-
tionmsulfur miner, living in Serradifalco, witness-
chosen by the declarant herself, and after reading
to them this same record, it was simultaneously entered in two registers and is signed solely by me, the declarant and the witnesses having said they know not how to write.
SignedDr Vincenzo Sesta


Number One hundred forty-four
Ferdinando Urbino
Ferdinando Urbino on 29 August 1898 in
Serradifalco contrcted matrimony with
Maria Saldi ~ The Apprentice



     The surname given to this infant, 'Urbino', was typical of the stigmatic names imposed on foundlings.  In Sicilian, 'urbu' means 'blind'.  The baby may have had deep-set eyes or have  appeared blind, or perhaps he was thought to be 'blind to the sins of his mother'.  In any case he was given a name that meant 'little blind one'.
      However, unlike may abandoned children, Ferdinando Urbino survived to eventually marry Maria Saldi, as is clear by the margin note on the registration of his birth.  The record of their marriage on 28 August 1898 gives Ferdinando's occupation as 'bracciale' (day laborer) and states  'unknown' for the names of his father and mother.  Maria Saldi is noted as born in 1879 in the town of Grotte, and her parents were the late Michele Saldi of Grotte and the living Maria Rizzo of Serradifalco.
      Neither Ferdinando nor his bride signed the marriage record, as it was noted that they did not know how to write.
      Ferdinando not only survived to marry, but he and Maria Venera Saldi had at four children born in Serradifalco: Vincenza, born 29 January 1900; Ignazio, born 18 October 1902; Mario, born 9 December 1906; and Michele, born 18 December 1908.
       Ferdinando emigrated to the U. S. on 1 September 1910 at age 39 on the SS San Giovanni, and his wife and children followed later.  He was listed as going to his brother Leonardo Urbino at Rossiter, Pennsylvania, but as a foundling, it is unexplained how he could have had a brother with the same surname.  Ferdinando's 1913 Petition For Naturalization as a U. S. citizen gives his alias as Ignazio Licals, and he and his wife are listed with the surname Licals in the 1920 U. S. Census for California, Pennsylvania, where they had two more children, Maria and Rosa.  "Licals" was evidently a shortening of Licalsi, which is a valid surname found in Serradifalco.

      Their surname, like that imposed on their father, was Urbino, as would be the surnames of any descendants of his sons.
      For the registration of his first two children, Ferdinando was listed as a day laborer unable to write, but on Mario's birth registration in 1906 and thereafter, he was a 'zolfataio' (sulfur miner) and signed his name to it and the next child's birth registration.
       Of personal interest to me is that the ricevitrice dei proietti who found Fedinando Urbino was my first cousin thrice removed, Concetta Digiugno.


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