Number nineteen
Camela Vinagro
one thousand nineteen four on day nine-
teen of July at hour
nine and
twenty in the Town Hall
Before me Giovanni Surce son of the
late Carmelo Secretary
delegated by the
Mayor by act of
March 1900, du-
approved Official of the Public
Record of the town
of Mussomeli, Has appeared Maria Santa
of age
fifty, Receiver of castoffs, living in
Mussomeli, who has presented me with a baby
of gender
feminine of recent birth, wrapped in new
cloths, without
any mark
or sign
on its body, and she has
declared that at the hour four of today on
the Wheel
of the castoffs existing in this town, in
the house
located in Via Mancuso, she has found this
To the said baby I have given the name of
and the
surname Vinagro
and I
have consigned her
to the
said Receiver, to be entrusted quickly to a
for nutrition, and for
To the above and to this record have been
present the witnesses
Sola Luigi of years fourty-four, laborer,
and Giuseppe Marrotta
of years thirty-one, peasant,
living in this town.
I have
read this record to those assembled,
but it is not
signed with me, because they said
they are illiterate.
Official of the Public Record
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