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2025 Coniglio Family Picnic
Sunday, 27 July, 2025


The 2025 Coniglio Family Picnic will be held on Sunday 27 July,
at Akron Falls Park,
same shelter as last year, Shelter 12



The Coniglio Family Picnic has been held since the 1950s, over sixty years!  Some highlights:

  • The 2004 Coniglio Family Picnic was held Sunday, July 25, at Akron Falls Park, Shelter 14. 
    A softball game was held for the first time in several years.
    The final score was Coniglios 15 - Coniglios 15.

  • In some years, picnics were held at Emery Park, and once at Grand Island's Beaver Island Park.

  • Below is a gathering at Millie and Al's in July, 1954.

Click HERE for names of the attendees.


Ray G. Coniglio

Ron A. Coniglio, Jackie Miller,
Dennis Denisco, John Coniglio

Shelly Miller, Jean Coniglio,
Denise Denisco, Andy Miller,
JoAnn Coniglio

(Click here for an enlarged photo)

Coniglio Family Picnic ~ 1961

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1975 Family Picnic

Frank Jr. and Angelo


1975 Family Picnic

Sam, Maria, Angela, Denise, Tony Sr., Frank Jr.

Al Volo Jr.

Angela and Frank Jr.


1977 Family Picnic


Tony and Frannie

Benjamin Knight


Family Picnic, about 1994

               Guy                         Ray                          Mary                        Angelo

                                             Connie                        Phil                           Millie                    Tony


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2004 Picnic ~ Softball Game

                                   Chris   Emma                                    Greg         Debbi



Guy Jr., Ange, and Ronnie in 1941.

Ange, Guy Jr., and Ronnie at the 2004 picnic.

(Click photos to enlarge.)


2005 Picnic at Beaver Island State Park

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2005 Picnic

Ray, Connie, Tony, Mary, and Ange

Angie and Ray

(Click photos to enlarge.)


2006 Picnic at Akron Falls Park

Jackie tells about THE TRIP

Aaron, Natasha and Raven


Ray, Connie, Tony, Mary, and Ange

(Click photos to enlarge.)

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The 2007 Picnic was arranged for
by Bobby Coniglio and Rebecca Coniglio Scherrer
It was a very special Picnic, because our cousins from Belgium,

Anna Barca Micciché, her husband Giovanni Micciché
and their son
Vito Micciché
were present.
(Click on the group photo to enlarge it.)


       In attendance (not all in the photo) were ninety-two Coniglio descendants (or their significant others) from Gaetano and Rosa Alessi Coniglio and three from Gaetano's brother Antonio and his wife Giuseppa Verdone.  All are descendants  (and their partners) of Gaetano and Antonio's parents, Gaetano Coniglio (born 1836) and Maria Carmela Calabrese (born 1843).


2010 Picnic at Akron Falls Park

Ten cousins at the 1961 Picnic

The same ones at the2010 Picnic,
with Garett sitting in for Andy


Ron, Ray, Jackie, Dennis, Johnny,
Shelly, Jeannie, Denise, Andy, and Joey


Ange, Mary,
Ray and Connie
~ 2010 ~


Garett, Margaret and Zach




2011 Coniglio Family Picnic

Ange and Connie

Photo by Guy Coniglio Jr.


Twelve of twenty-seven second-generation Coniglios were present

Jean, Joann, Denise

Jackie, Tony, Jr., Maria


Guy Jr. and Ronald



Frank Jr.



2012 Coniglio Family Picnic

29 July 2012

Photo by Greg Hartman


Big card game!!!

Debbi Coniglio and Zach Skinner

Hope and Richard Sedita


Denise and Tessa Noelle Tiranno

Connie Miller, Thomas Angelo Coniglio and Jeff Coniglio

Guy IV, Helen Hiltebeitel & Lisa Coniglio


Gabrielle Angela, Frank Jr. and Francesca Marie Sowa

Tessa Noelle Tiranno with Haley Coniglio

Gabrielle Sowa and Morgan Wright


Maria Valint, Frank Sowa, Denise Tiranno
 Angie Coniglio and Connie Miller

Connie Miller with Ange & Angie Coniglio
Last of the First Generation

The Tiranno boys
Phil       Sam         Chris          


Jean Silvestro and Frank Sowa

Rear: Bill & JoAnn Lang ~ Front: Kelly, Sarah & Andrew Coniglio

Ryan and Haley Coniglio


Mary Denisco Sowa's grandchildren

Donna Brachman & Mindy Coniglio


Lee and Carole Pedrick

Mary Denisco Sowa's descendants


Greg & Tammy Hartman with Taylor

Greg took the picnic group photo    

Ange with Uncle Guy's Rose of Sharon

Photo by Carole Coniglio Pedrick   


2013 Coniglio Family Picnic

28 July 2013

Maria                             Connie             Rachel                         Carole                          Lee


           Ange                   Connie

Andy and Tom


             Thomas Angelo, Mackenzie Lee, Jeff and John                    



2014 Coniglio Family Picnic

27 July 2014


Three Billygoats Gruff

Dennis                 Ange                Andy

Hayden and Gianna


Connie's  family at the 2014 Coniglio Family Picnic

Ben                   Emma   Jackie   Garett          Tara            Doug    Raven   Aaron     Morgan          
Gianna                                                    Brianne                                                                
Connie        Alyvia                                                                         


Mary's  family at the 2014 Coniglio Family Picnic

   Maria       Frank       Denise       Dennis

Sammy      Tim       Bailey   Gabrielle  Chris  Francesca    DJ                 Phil                    


Tessa Noelle Tiranno shows her grand-uncle Danny Valint how to color.


2015 Coniglio Family Picnic

26 July 2015


Four generations of Connie's family at the 2015 Coniglio Family Picnic


We celebrated Connie's 90th birthday 29 days early!


  Andrew and Connie

Raven, Connie and Gabrielle

DJ, Tim, Maria, & Bailey


  Jackie, Connie and Alyvia

Maria and Denise

Margaret & Haley


2023 Coniglio Family Picnic

28 July 2023, after a hiatus since 2019 due to COVID-19


2024 Coniglio Family Picnic

Couldn't get them all to stand still long enough for a full group photo,
so I did it by families of each of my siblings.

Jean (Phil), Jackie (Connie), Denise (Mary), Uncle Ange, Ron (Guy), Ray (Ray), Tom (Tony).


Guy & Mary's descendants.

Eala, Greg, Melissa, Brian, Guy III, Ron, Guy Jr.
Avi, Heidi, Enza, Carole, Jackie, Lisa, Jackie



Ray & Marion's descendants.

                                                  Ronald, Zach, Candace, Debbi
       Marc, Margaret, Catherine, Ray Jr., Rebecca

                              Ray III
, Sarah, Andrew


Phil & Betty's descendants.

Nikki, Greg, Bill, Andrew, Lauren, Andrew, Jeff, Mackenzie
Julia, JoAnn, Jean, Rachel, Ray, Thomas


Connie & Don's descendants.

Jackie and Shelly


Mary & Fiore & Frank's descendants.

               Chris, Danielle, Giabella, Sam, Denise, Phil, Samantha                         Dan, Maria, Bailey, Natalie, Arielle, Tim
                                                    Stacey, Tessa, Samantha
                                                    Arya, Sam Jr., Francesca


Tony & Frannie's descendants.

Tony, Tommy Jr., Tom, Sharon


Aunt Angie & Uncle Ange
with nieces and nephews at the "after-picnic" at Condrell's.


See you at the 2025 Picnic, Sunday, 27 July


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