Leonardo Messina

Born: Unknown
between 1787 and 1832

Meaning of Messina [meh-SEEN-uh]: the Sicilian city, Messina


        I have not found any records of baptism, marriage or death for my great-great-great-grandfather  Leonardo Messina, but I know his name from baptism, marriage, and death records of his offspring.  His death was after the 1787 marriage of his son Luciano and before the 1832 death of his daughter Francesca.  These early records don't give his wife Anna Maria's surname. 


Leonardo Messina married Anna Maria

Known Children

Luciano Messina: 17 Feb 1759 - 28 Dec 1824 
(Married Maria Butera)
Francesca Messina: abt 1762 - 2 Jan 1832
(Married Santo Mancione)
Ignazia Messina: abt 1782 - 18 Jul 1832
(Married Angelo Cordaro)


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