'Na quarta chiamata a Serradifarcu
(A fourth Visit to Serradifarcu)

Piazza Armerina

Sugnu urgugliusu di essiri Sicilianu!


       The Villa Romana al Casale near Piazza Armerina is an ancient Roman villa with restored mosaics.  It was constructed on the remains of an older villa in the first quarter of the fourth century, probably as the center of a huge latifundium (estate) covering the entire surrounding area.
       How long the villa kept this role is not known, maybe for less than 150 years, but the complex remained inhabited and a village named Platia grew around it. It was damaged during the domination of the Vandals and the Visigoths, but the buildings remained in use, at least in part, during the Byzantine and Arab period. The site was finally abandoned for good when a landslide covered the villa in the 12th century CE, and remaining inhabitants moved to the current town of Piazza Armerina.
        Pieces of mosaics and some columns were found early in the 19th century, and some excavations were carried out later in that century, but the first serious excavations were performed by Paolo Orsi in 1929, and later by Giuseppe Cultrera in 1935-39. The latest major excavations were in the period 1950-60 by Gino Gentile after which the current exhibit was built.
       The floors show bathing beauties, a chariot race, the trials of Hercules, wild animals of every stripe, and intriguing geometriic patterns, all defined with 3/4 inch stone bits over an area of thousands of square feet.

       La Villa Rumana al Casale vicinu Piazza Armerna e 'na villa Rumana anziana cu i musaichi risturati. Era costruita ncapu di na villa ruvinata cchiù vecchia, in primu quartu dellu seculu 4, prubabilmenti comu lu centru d'un latifundiu granni, ncapu tutte i terri vicini.
        Quant'anni 'sta villa c'era nun si sapi, forsi menu di centucinquant'anni, ma la banna rimana e nu villagiu chiamatu Platia crisci' tutt'inturnu.  Era guastatu mentri u tempu dei Vandali, ma i pallazzi eranu usati, al menu in parti, nel tempi dei Bizantini e dei Mauri.  Lu pustu finalmenti era abbandunatu pe daveru quannu nu terremotu ha cuperta la villa in seculu 11, e i genti si s'mufaru a lu currenti paisi di Piazza Armerina.
        Pizzi di musaichi e certi colunni eranu truvati prestu in seculu 18, e quarchi scavati eranu fatti tannu, ma i primi scavati seriusi erano fatti di Paolo Orsi in 1929, e dopu di Giuseppe Cultrera in 1935-36.  I scavati maggiori cchiù recenti eranu in tempu 1950-60 di Gino Gentile, e dopu lu currenti espustu era costruitu.
         I pavimenti fannu vidiri i donni al bagnu, na cursa dei carruzzi, i tribulaziuni di Erculi, armali servaggi di tutti strisci e disigni geumetrichi interessanti, tutti fatti cu petruzzeddi comu i punti dei jiteddi, ncapu u campu di granizza milli di pedi.


         If we want to change our floor treatment, we paint it or change the carpet.  The Romans built a new floor, over the old one!
         Even the latrine had beautiful mosaics on the floor, including a rabbit!

       Siddu nuantri vuolemmo cangiari u pavimentu, u pintammu, o cangiammu u trappittu.  I Rumani costruiru unu nuovu, ncapu lu vecchiu!
        Anche la latrina haviva i beddi musaichi in terra, inclusu lu cunnigghiu!

.More about Serradifalco

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Last revision: 01 June 2009 ~ Angelo F. Coniglio, ConiglioFamily@aol.com

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