'Na quarta chiamata a Serradifarcu
(A fourth Visit to Serradifarcu)

Sugnu urgugliusu di essiri Sicilianu!


     On May 8, 2009, the twins Aunt Connie Coniglio Miller and Aunt Mary Coniglio Sowa, with Jackie Miller Feingold and I, Uncle Angelo, again visited Sicily.  Mary, Connie, Jackie and I flew to Catania.  Then Mary and Connie took a bus to Serradifalco, while Jackie and I rented a car and toured some of Sicily.  This is only a preliminary record of the trip. Please check back to look again.


       A 8 maggiu 2009, le èmmuli z'a Cuncetta Cunigghiu Miller e z'a Maria Cunigghiu Sowa, cu Jackie Miller Feingold, ed iu z'Angelu Cunnigghiu hannu riturnati nella Sicilia.  La z'a Concetta, la z'a Maria, lu  z'Angelu e la niputi Jacalina vularu a Catania, Sicilia.  Maria ed Concetta pigghiaru n'Autobus a Serraddifarcu mentri Jacalina e ji ni affitamu nu carru e giriamu nella Sicilia. Chistu e n'annotaziuni preliminari del viaggiu. Pir favuri riturni pi taliari arriri.



        Below is a map of Sicily showing our travels there.  The regions marked Elami, Siculi and Sicani are the areas in which those earliest inhabitants lived 10,000 years ago.  Sicily has NINE provinces, each with a capital city of the same name as the province.  Click on a place marked with a triangle or square to see photos of the area.

        A bassu c'é 'na mappa della Sicilia chi fa vidiri nostri giri dda.  I regiuni macchiati Elami, Siculi e Sicani sunnu i pusti unni stavanu l'abitanti antici 10,000 anni fa.  La Sicilia havi NOVI pruvincii, ogni d'unu ccu la città maggiori ccu u stessu nomu della pruvincia.  Clicca ncapu nu pustu macchiatu cu'n triangulu o quadru pir vidiri ritratti della zona.


May 8, 2009

ottu maggiu 2009

       Mary and I flew to Chicago to meet Connie and Jackie.   A mouse at the Chicago airport wanted to come.

       Maria e ji vulammu a Chicago pi 'ncuntrari Cuncetta e Jacalina. 'Nu surci nichu all'ariupurtu vuliva viniri.

May 9

novi maggiu

       Over Rome, we saw our own shadow on the ground.  Then we flew to Sicily over the Aeolian Islands, where the winds blew ill for Ulysses.  Once a prehistoric center for production of obsidian knives from the volcanic rock, they're now called now called the Lipari Islands.

       A Roma, vidimmu nostra propria umbra in terra.  Dopu vulammu alla Siclia ncapu i Ìsuli Eoli, unni lu vintu era malu pi Ulissi.  'Na volta un centru vecchiu pir fari i cuttidi d'ussidiana dalla petra vulcanica, ora chiddi sunnu chiamati l'Ìsuli Lipari.


       Jackie and I visited Savoca, an ancient town just north of Taormina. It can be reached only by a winding mountain road.  This was the start of eight days of sunshine and warmth.

       Jacalina ed iu visitammu Savoca, nu villagiu anticu dell'nord vicinu a Taormina.  Si pu arrivari sulu ncapu 'na strada tortuosa nelli montagni,  Era la cuminciata di ottu giurni di suli e callu.




       We stayed at the Hotel Villa Esperia in Mazzara, on the seashore near Taormina. We had beautiful views from the terrace

       Stavamu al'Hotel Villa Esperia a Mazzara, lungumare vicinu Taormina,  Avivimmu visti beddi dû terrazzu.

       Near Mazzara and Taormina is Isola Bella.  Jackie tried the water on the stony beach.

       Vicinu Mazzara e Taormina c'e Isula Bedda.  Jacalina pruvà l'aqua ncapu i petri.

       We visited Taomina on the heights above the shore, and saw a Triskelion, ancient symbol of Sicily, and a local church.  That evening, we ate at a restaurant with an ocean view and saw the red full moon rise over the Ionian Sea and the rooftops.
         Jackie had pasta with sardines in a white sauce, and I had pasta alla Norma with eggplant.

       Visitamu Taormina nelli antizzi ncapu del'lungumari e videmmu 'na Trincria, stemma anziana della Sicilia, e 'na chiesa lucali.  Sa sera, mangiamu al'risturanti cu 'na vista del Mari Ionico e vidimmu la luna russa e china tramuntannu ncapu lu mari e i tetti.
           Jacalina havi
pasta cu li sardi in sarsa biancha, e ji havivu pasta alla Norma cu i milingiani.

May 10

deci maggiu

       Taomina, like most Sicilian towns, has a church, or in this case a castle, on the Calvario, or the 'top of the skull' of the highest peak.  The town is a busy tourism center, as can be seen by the crowded streets and the array of booklets in many languages.

       Taormina, comu i maggiori dei paisi Siciliani, havi 'na chiesa, o in chistu casu, un castellu, ncapu lu Calvariu o la cima della montagna cchiù anta.  U paisi e un centru di turismu, chi si pu vidiri nelli  stradi occupati e i libretti in tanti lingui.

       Above Taormina is an ancient Greek theatre, from which Mount Etna, or Mongibello can be seen, with the Ionian Sea to the left, and the town with its castle-crowned peak to the right. 'Mongibello' is the local name, from the Latin 'mons', which means 'mountain', and the Arabic 'gibelli', which also means 'mountain'.  So the name literally means 'Mount Mountain'.

      Ncapu di Taormina, c'é un tiatru Grecu anticu, d'unni la Muntagna Etna, o Mungibeddu si pu vidiri, cu u Mari Jonico a mani manca, e u paisi cu su castellu al'cima a mani dirittu.  'Mungibeddu' e lu nnomu lucali, del'Latinu 'mons', chi voli diri 'muntagna' e u Arabicu 'gibelli' chi anchi voli diri 'montagna'.  Percio, u nnomu pi daveru voli diri 'Munti Muntagna'.

       We left Taormina and went towards Montalbano di Elicona, where Aunt Angie's father Salvatore Bongiovanni was born in 1897.  On the way we passed Roccella Valdemone, a little town nestled between two huge rocks.  We also saw wild fennel, with its yellow flowers, growing everywhere.  At Montalbano, we saw the narrow streets and the massive walls of the castle of Frederick II, which was originally built by Frederick II, king of the Hohenstaufens (Germans). The castle was destroyed, and later rebuilt by Frederick II of Aragon.  The small round kiosk may be a prayer box, where offerings and prayers were left near the town's church.

       Partimu di Taormina e jimmu versu Muntarbanu di Elicona, unni era natu Sarvaturi Bungiuvanni, papà della z'Angela, in 1897.  Alla via passamu Ruccedda Valdemuni, nu paisi nicu mucciatu ntra du petri granni.  Puru videmmu finuchiu servaggiu cu i sciuri giarni, crisciennu tutti banna.  A Montarbanu, videmmu le stradi stritti e i muri granni di u castellu di Federicu Sicunnu, re dei Hohenstaufen (Tedeschi).  U castellu era distruttu e dopu rifattu di Federicu Sicunnu di Aragona.  La scatula tunna pu esseri na cassa pir prigeri, unni si mentivanu i regali e prigeri vicino la chiesa del'paisi

       We went towards Cefalù, on the way passing a road sign to Raccuia, a town with the name of my friend Charlie Raccuia.  We also stopped at San Stefano di Camastra, a town of ceramics makers. The proprietor of Fiorella's ceramics shop remembered me from my last trip, and I purchased a prickly-pear tile.

      Jimmu a Cefalù, passanu na targa pi Raccuia, un paisi cu u nnomu di miu amicu Calogeru Raccuia.   Puru ni fermamu a San Stefanu di Camastra, un paisi di multi cretai.  La padruna di u negozziu ceramichi di Fiorella mi cunusciva dellu viaggu passatu, e cattavu na piastredda cu i ficud'india.     


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May 10, evening

deci maggiu, nella sira

       We approached Cefalù ('the head', in Greek) along the shore of the Tyrrhenian Sea while the sun was setting.  There, we walked the 'Angels of the Sea' beach and saw the rock of Cefalù turn red with the sun.  We ate at the Mové restaurant, where owner-chef Pietro Russo makes the delicious Tortellini alla Barbara, named for his wife.
        Later a friendly patron, Francesco, let us follow him on the Autostrada and we finally found our way to the apartment we rented from Pietro Petix, in Montedoro.

       Vicinammu a Cefalù ('la testa', in lingua Greca) al lungumari del Mar Tirrenu, mentri u suli scinniva.  Dducu caminammu la spiaggia 'Angeli del Mare' e vidimu la rocca di Cefalù diventannu russa cu u suli.  Mangiammu al'risturanti Mové, unni capucuocu Petru Russu fa i deliziusi Tortellini alla Barbara, numinati pi so mugghiere.
         Cchiù tardu nu clienti amichevuli ni metti n'arriri al'
Autostrada e finalmenti truvamu l'appartamentu chi hammu affitatu dû Pietru Petix a Muntidoru.

May 11

unnici maggiu


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       In Montedoro (mountain of gold) we stayed at Pietro Petix' apartment 'Jupiter'.  Below are views of Via del Gallo from our balcony: to the left, across the street, and to the right.
       Later we saw the library and the church.

       A Muntidoru (muntagna d'oru) stammu a l'appartamentu 'Giuve' di Petru Petix.  A basso sunnu visti della Via del Gallo dû balcuni nuantra: a mani manca; attraversu la via; ed a mani dirittu.
       Dopu vidimmo la libreria e la chiesa.

Finally, Serradifalco!

Finalmente, Serradifarcu!

        Connie, Jackie, Concettina Difrancesco, Carmela Coniglio Difrancesco, and Mary.  To the right is the town's statue in memory of its sulfur miners.      

       Cuncetta, Jacalina, 'Cettina Difrancesco, Carmela Coniglio Difrancesco, ed Maria.  A mani dirittu c'é la statua dellu paisi in ricordu di i minaturi del' zulfu.

Man of the mine

You have dug with your hands
like a mole,
the earth that you have soaked
with sweat and blood.

The living will not forget
your buried lament,
your rage,
your death,
man of the mine.

Your sacrifice
is the hardest rock
in the pavement of civilization.
Omu della minera

Ha scavatu cu i tui mani
comu na talpa,
la terra chi ha inghiutu
di suduri e di sangu.

I vivi unn scurdamu
u t'o chiantu cruvicatu,
la t'o rabbia,
la t'o morti,
omu della minera.

U t'o sacrificiu
é la petra cchiù dura
nella strada del civilt

A. Rizzo




Citizens of Serradifalco
December 4, 2001

Cittadini di Serradifarcu
4 - 12- 2001

       On Via Prizzi, we met Signora Giuseppina Ricotta, who now owns the Alessi family home at Via Prizzi No. 9.  That evening, we met my cousin Antonia Coniglio Latona, Carmela Coniglio Difrancesco's sister, both daughters of Uncle Giuseppe, nicknamed Cuculuni..

       A Via Prizzi, ncuntrammu Signura Pina Ricotta, chu ora é la padruna di la casa vecchia della famiglia Alessi, a Via Prizzi Numero Novi.  Sa sira ncontrammu Antonia Coniglio Latona, soru di Carmela Coniglio Difrancesco, tutti du figghi dellu Zi' Peppi, dettu Cuculuni..


To continue the visit, click here.
Pir continuari la chiamata, clicca cca.

.More about Serradifalco

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The First Visit

The Second Visit

The Third Visit

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The Church

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La Società

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The Book

La Bedda Sicilia

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Robertsdale, Pennsylvania






Last revision: 06 December 2013 ~ Angelo F. Coniglio, ConiglioFamily@aol.com

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