First Generation American
Coniglios in the Service


Guy -1939

Len - 1943

Ray - 1942

Served in the US Naval Reserve in Western New York, Guantanamo Bay, the Pacific Ocean and Hawaii just prior to World War II on the battleship USS Wyoming, destroyer USS Dickerson, battleship USS Arkansas, heavy cruiser USS Vincennes, and the destroyer USS Leary, first US naval vessel equipped with search radar.

Served in the US Navy in the Pacific during World War II.  Was on the troop transport USS Republic at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, just before the Japanese attacked, and in Japanese waters on the light cruiser USS Atlanta when Japan surrendered.  After the war, he served in Guam.

A naval reservist from 1936 - 1939.  In the US Army in World War II, fought in Africa, Sicily, France, Belgium and Germany. He was in the second wave in the Omaha Beach attack on Normandy.  He fought in the Battle of Cherbourg, the Battle of Wilhelmshohe, and one of the last battles of WWII at Oberkirchen, Germany.


Phil - 1943

Tony - 1947

Ange - 1954

Served in the US Navy in World War II, at Banana River and Cocoa Beach, Florida.

Served in the US Navy after World War II, as a seaman on the battleship USS New Jersey.

Served in the US Army in the Korean conflict era, in Kirch-Goens, Germany, as a tank driver.




Millie - 1943

Connie - 1943

MARY - 1943

     The last automobile manufactured after the start of World War II was in 1942, when auto manufacturing plants were converted into Defense Plants, making airplanes, tanks, and military vehicles and equipment.  Because of the shortage of men, many women of all ages were put to work at these plants, earning each of them the nickname "Rosie the Riveter".  Millie, Connie and Mary did their part, at the Chevrolet Plant.

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