The Per Niente Club
of Buffalo


       When Sicilian and Italian immigrants came to America in the late 1890's and early 1900's, many banded together in 'Società', or mutual aid societies or clubs.  These afforded them some measure of insurance against illness or burial expenses, but not the least, an opportunity to socialize with friends from the same villages, with the same language and interests.  These included clubs from Montedoro, Serradifalco, Mussomeli, San Fele, Montemaggiore, and many, many more.

       The Per Niente (for nothing) Club is a twenty-first century version of those former 'Società', with its main purpose the camaraderie of Buffalo's West Siders with Italian roots, or a love of Italian/Sicilian ways.

       The club has existed formally since about 1990, and now holds an annual golf outing, followed by a dinner, for its 110 members.  Annual membership is $35, and details can be obtained from Joe DiLeo at  Joe edits an excellent newsletter each month, with stories about famous Italian-Americans, West Side happenings past and present, and articles by members.     

        C’era ’nu tempu quannu gli immigranti italiani (particolarmente siciliani) che veniru in America versu la fine di milleottocentunovantissime e iniziale di gli millenovecentissime, molte si giungeru insieme 'in Società', gli società mutuo accursu o 'club' reciproci del sussidiu. Chisti se lu sunnu permessi una certa misura di assicurazione cuntru le spese di cascata o di malattia, ma nun il più minimu, un'occasione socializzare cu gli amici dagli stessi villaggi, cu la stessi lingua ed interessi. Chisti hannu inclusu i società da Muntudoru, Serradifarcu, Mussumeli, San Fele Muntumaggiore e multi, multi antri.

          La società ’Per Niente’ è ’na versione dellu seculu ventiprima dei chiddi 'Società' antichi, ccu l'intenzione principale u cameratismu delle vicini di u “West Side” del'Buffalo ccu le radici italiani, o ccu un amore dei cosi italiani/siciliani.

          La società ha esistita sin versu 1990, ed ora teni un escursione annuale di golf, e dopo un pasto, per quasica centi e dieci membri. La appartenenza annuale è $35 ed i particolari possonu essere ottenuti da Giuseppe DiLeo a Guseppe pubblica un bullettinu eccellente ogni mese, ccu le storia delle Italiani-Americani famosi, eventi oltre e presente dallo West Side, ed articoli dai membri.           

The Per Niente Club now has an official website.  Click on the logo below for access.

To view a video on Per Niente's charitable works, click here >>


        Below are photos from the 2006 Per Niente golf event, held July 17 at Terry Hills Country Club in Batavia, New York.  (Click on a photo to enlarge.)

        On May 17, 2013, Per Niente member Charlie Tasca was inducted to the Lafayette High School Sports Wall of Fame.  Click below to see his acceptance speech.


Click to see Per Niente Magazine covers

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The First Visit

The SecondVisit

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The Church

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La Societ

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The Book

La Bedda Sicilia



Last revision: 30 January 2022 ~ Angelo F. Coniglio,































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