Paolina Bellanca
Born: 22 March 1883 ~Mussomeli, Sicily
Married: 8 Jul 1900 ~ Mussomeli

Died: 31 May 1972 ~ Buffalo, New Yor
Arrived at Ellis Island 30
June, 1907

Meaning of Bellanca (bell-AHN-kuh): from "blanca", white;
OR: from "bell'anca", beautiful hip


Paolina Bellanca Lanza
~ about 1950 ~


        Paolina's birth record, below, was at the bottom of one page and continued on the next.   The title 'Atti di nascita' (Records of birth) was at the top of the second page, between the two parts of the record.

From Mussomeli Registri Stato Civile Film 1963870, 1883 Births, No. 113, Paolina Bellanca                


Numero centotredici
~ . ~
Bellanca Paolina     




.*S'Indichi la professione o la condizione.

    L’anno milleottocento ottantatre, addi ventitre di Marzo,
a ore
ante meridiane undici e minuti ___, nella Casa comunale,
    Avanti di me
Alfonso Alaimo Segretario delegato del Sindaco in data
venticinque Novembre milleottocentosettantotto debitamente approvato

Uffiziale dello Stato Civile del Comune di
Mussomeli è comparso
Salvatore Bellanca, di anni venticinque, *Villico domiciliatio
Mussomeli, il quale mi ha dichiarato che alle ore po meridiane undici e
___, del di ieri del corrente mese, nella casa posta in
Chiara al numero ___, da Giuseppa Spera sua moglie
di anni dicianove Volgare secolui convivente

è nato un bambino di sesso femminile che egli mi presenta e a cui da il
nome di
   A quanto sopra e a questo atto sono presenti quali testimoni
Francesco Lo Man

Atti di nascita

to di anni trentanove, *Villico, e Vincenzo Rincia,
di anni
sessanta, *Villico entrambi residenti in questo Comune.
Letto il presente atto agli intervenuti essi non si meco sottoscritti
è dissero esseri illiterati.
                L'Uffiziale dello Stato Civile
                      Alfonso Alaimo


Number one hundred thirteen
~ . ~
Paolina Bellanca      




.*S'Indichi la professione o la condizione

    Year one thousand eight hundred eighty-three, day twenty-three of March,
at hour
ante meridian eleven and minutes ___, in the town Hall,
    Before me
Alfonso Alaimo Secretary delegated by the Mayor on date
twenty-five November onethousand eighthundred seventy-eight duly approved

Official of the Civil Record of
Mussomeli has appeared
Salvatore Bellanca, age twenty-five, *Villager living
Mussomeli, who has declared to me that at undici post meridian and
___, of day yesterday of the current month, in the house located at
Chiara number ___, by Giuseppa Spera his wife
age nineteen, a Commoner living with he himself

was born a baby of
feminine sex who he presented to me and to whom he gave the
name of
   To the above and at this registration are present the witnesses
Francesco Lo Man

Records of birth

to age thirty-nine, *Villager, and Vincenzo Rincia,
sixty, *Villager, both residing in this town.
I read this record to those assembled, they have not signed with me
because they said they are illiterate.
            the delegated Official of the Civil Record

[Signed] Alfonso Alaimo




Baptism Record

Paolina's is the second record below, from the San Giovanni Battista Church baptism records for the year 1883. 
The top record is shown because it gives the year and Page Number.

From Mussomeli Registri Ecclesiastici Film 2013876, 1883 San Giovanni Batttista Baptisms,  Page 425,  Paolina Bellanca        

Salvator Castello
Alfonsa fa

      Die vigesimaprima Martii 1883                   425
Ego Sac.s Paschalis Tulumello Caps Coade Par Eccle baptizavi

infantem heri natam hora 3 ex Salvatore Castello, et Rai- munda Leone Cui impositum fuit nomenAlfonsa. Patrini fuere Nicdolaus Migliore et Alfonsa Carciofola
                        Sac.s Paschalis Tulumello Caps Coade
Salvator Bellanca
Paolina fa
       Die vigesimasecunda Martii
Ego Sac.s Caietanus Minnella Caps Sacr. huius Par Eccle baptizavi

infantem hodie natam hora 13 circ ex Salvator Bellanca et Josepha fa Dei Cui impositum fuit nomen Paolina. Patrina fuit Paschala lo Brutto
                           Sac.s Caietanus Minnella Caps

Salvatore Castello
Alfonsa daughter

      Day twenty-first of March 1883           Page 425
Ego Sac.s Paschalis Tulumello Caps Coade Par Eccle baptizavi

infantem heri natam hora 3 ex Salvatore Castello, et Rai- munda Leone Cui impositum fuit nomenAlfonsa. Patrini fuere Nicdolaus Migliore et Alfonsa Carciofola
                        Sac.s Paschalis Tulumello Caps Coade
Salvator Bellanca
Paolina fa
       Day twenty-second of March
I Priest Gaetano Minnella Sacr. Chaplain of the Parish Church baptized

an infant born today about hour 13 of Salvatore Bellanca and Giuseppa child of God.  The baby was named Paolina
Godmother was Pasquala lo Brutto
                        Priest Gaetano Minnella Chaplain



        Paolina Bellanca and Salvatore Lanza were married in a civil ceremony in Mussomeli's Town Hall on Sunday, 8 July 1900, with Mayor Desiderio Sorce officiating.  I haven't located the record of their church marriage, but they likely were married in church within a day before or after their civil ceremony.



 Salvatore Lanza
 Paolina Bellanca















* Indicates the occupation or condition

Year 1900, day 8 July
at hour 11:00 AM, in the Town Hall
of Mussomeli, open to the public. 
      Before me Disiderio Sorce, Mayor  

Official of the Civil Record, dressed in official garb, have appeared in person: 
1st: Salvatore Lanza, age 20; *peasant sharecropper,
born in Mussomeli, living in Mussomeli, son of the living Vin-
 a resident of Mussomeli, and of Elisabetta La Greca,
a resident of Mussomeli; 2nd: Paolina Bellanca,
age 18, *peasant sharecropper, born in Mussomeli,  living in
Mussomeli,  daughter of living Salvatore, a resident of Mussomeli,
and of Giuseppa Spera a resident of Mussomeli, who
asked that I unite them in marriage; to this effect they presented me with documents
described below, and through examination of these and those already produced when requesting banns, all of which, supported by my review, I insert in the volume of attachments to this register, resulting in no objection to the celebration of their matrimony, I have read to the couple articles one-thirty, one-thirty-one and
one-thirty-two of the Civil Code, and
asked the groom if he intends to take as wife here-present Paolina
, and of her if she intends to take as husband here-present
Salvatore Bellanca; and as they have each answered yes
with full understanding, and as have the witnesses indicated below,
I have pronounced in the name of the Law that
the couple is joined in marriage. at this certification were present:
Francesco Alessi
age 40, *peasant sharecropper, and
Angelo La Greca age 23, *peasant sharecropper,
both living in this Town. 
This record is presented with the certification
the marriage banns  published on day 17
and 24 of this past month of June 
 The above matrimony has received the consent of the parents of the betrothed, as explained in the request for banns.
 This document was read to those assembled, and is signed
by me alone, because they said they are illiterate.

The Official of the Civil Record
D. Sorce


From Mussomeli Registri Stato Civile Film 1963947, 1900 Marriages, No. 35, Salvatore Lanza and Paolina Bellanca      



        The above marriage record was not given to the participants, but was bound in the permanent register of civil marriages, kept in the town, with a copy sent to the provincial capital.  If a person later wanted proof of the event, he or she would ask or write to the town, and receive an estratto (extract) or certificato (certification) of the original record.  The registrar would then get out the register and transfer (some of) the information to a form that was sent to the requestor.  Note that there is much less detail in the certification than there was in the original Atto di Matrimonio: no ages, occupations or birthplaces are given.
        The certification was made by the town's Official of the Civil Record, prepared by the town Registrar, and confirmed by the provincial Magistrate.  Note that in the short form of dates, Italian custom was to write dates such as July 8, 1900 as '8-7-1900' rather than the US usage, '7/8/1900'.





                    Certification  of  matrimony



      Having seen the record posted at Number _35_ part _1_  Series _-_ of the register of records
matrimony of the year _1900_


that on day
_eight____________ of the month of _July________________________________
one thousand
nine hundred (7/8/1900)_ the following contracted marriage
_Salvatore Lanza___________________________________________________
son of  __Vincenzo___ and of _Elisabetta La Greca___________________________
        and miss
_Paolina Bellanca_______________________________________________
of  __Salvatore___ and of _Giuseppa Spera______________________
        Issued  'on plain paper' for use in employment_________________
      Mussomeli, _____
I have seen the authentication of the signature of
Dr. Giuseppe Sorce
Official of the Civil Record of Mussomeli.
12/14/       1947
(Gaetano Porrelio)





(Dr. Giuseppe Sorce)                 



      This passenger manifest for the SS Citta di Torino shows in lines 5 and 6 that Paolina Bellanca,  age 23, emigrated to her husband Salvatore Lanza at 239 Elizabeth Street, New York City; leaving from Naples on 10 June, 1907 and arriving at Ellis Island on 30 June.  With her was her son Vincenzo Lanza, age 2.



Salvatore Lanza and Paolina Bellanca
~ about 1950 ~



Paolina Bellanca married Salvatore Lanza on 8 July 1900, in Mussomeli


Vincenzo (Jim) Lanza  2 May 1905 ~ 1975
~ (Married Parma Castiglione)
Isabel Lanza  18 Jun 1908 ~ January 1996
~ (Married Carmen Faso)
Josephine Lanza  abt 1910 ~ abt 1916
Mary Lanza  26 Apr 1913 ~ March 1993
~ (Married Salvatore Bongiovanni)
Josephine Lanza  7 Mar 1919 ~ 26 March 2002
~ (Married Peter Riga)
Teresa Lanza  13 August 1921 ~



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Last revision: 11 February 2025 ~ Angelo F. Coniglio,