Sicilian and Italian
Given Names in Latin
Knowing your
relatives name in his/her original language is very important. Before you start
searching old records, take the time to determine the right name, including its correct
spelling. Because the oldest records are church records written in Latin,
many names in the old church registers are difficult to recognize.
This is a list of Latin given names, showing the equivalent names in the
Italian and Sicilian languages, the Sicilian 'short' names, and the names as
they were Anglicized in the United States. The Italian and Sicilian versions
have pronunciation guides in English phonetics. The emphasized syllable is
shown in CAPITALS in this guide. Note that vowels in both the Sicilian
and Italian languages have the following
sounds: A is ah; E is eh (long
a); I is ee; O is oh (long
o), and U is oo. A, E, I, O,
U in Italian is ah, eh, ee, oh, oo!! The English
sound of I (long i as in eye) is given by the combination ai
in Sicilian or Italian. The Sicilian language, like Italian, has no letter "k", "y" or "w".
Those languages have a letter written like "j", but this "j" is actually a form of the
letter "i", and is pronounced as we would pronounce "y" in English. In the list,
under 'Latin' you'll notice that several names look like English: Agatha,
Joseph, Michael, Samuel, and so on. That's because many English names
simply repeat the Latin versions exactly. |
DISCLAIMER: My experience is in researching records from the regions that once comprised lu Regnu di Sicilia: the Kingdom of Sicily, the world's first modern nation of parliamentary government, which extended from Abruzzo and Napoli in the north to Messina and Palermo on insular Sicily. Hence, the given names that I have encountered and present here generally reflect those Sicilian roots, though the names are also reflect usage in the North. |
Latin | In Italian | Pronunciation | In Sicilian | Pronunciation | Short Sicilian | Pronunciation | Short English | Formal English |
Aloysius | Luigi | loo-EE-jee | Luigi | Aloo-EE-jee | Gino | JEE-noh | Lou | Louis |
Angelus** | Angelo | AHN-jeh-loh | Angilu | AHN-jih-loo | A | AH | Ange | Angelo |
Archangelus** | Arcangelo | ark-AHN-jeh-loh | Arcangilu | ark-AHN-jih-loo | A | AH | Ange, Art | Arcangelo |
Augustinus | Agostino | ah-GOS-tee-noh | Agustinu | ah-OOS-tee-noo | Tinu | TIH-noo | Gus | August, Justin, Gus |
Augustus | Agosto | ah-GOS-toh | Agustu | ah-OOS-too | Agust' | ah-OOST' | Gus | August, Gus |
Albertus | Alberto | ahl-BAIR-toh | Albertu | ahl-BEHR-too | Bertinu | BEHR-tee-noo | Al, Bert | Albert, Robert |
Aloysius | Aloisio Luigi |
ahl-oh-EE-zee-oh loo-EE-jee |
Luigi |
loo-IH-jih |
Luig' |
LOO-idj |
Al, Lou Louie, Lewy |
Aloysius, Albert Louis |
Alphonsus | Alfonso | ahl-FAWN-zoh | Alfunsu | ahl-FOON-zoo | Funzi | FOON-zih | Al, Funzie | Alphonse, Alfred Albert, Bert |
Alexandrus** | Alessandro | ah-les-AHN-droh | 'lissandru | lis-SAHN-droo | Sandru | SAHN-droo | Al, Sandy | Alex, Alexander |
Amadeus | Amadeo | ahm-uh-DAY-oh | Amadiu | ahm-uh-DEE-oh | Andy | Andrew | ||
Andreas** | Andrea | ahn-DREH-uh | Andrea | ahn-DREH-uh | Andy Ange |
Andrew Angelo |
Angelus** | Angelo | AHN-jel-oh | Angiolu Ancilu |
AHN-juh-loo AHN-chi-loo |
A | AH | Ange, Angie | Angelo |
Antoninus | Antonino | ahn-toh-NEE-noh | Antuninu | ahn-too-NEE-noo | Ninnu | NIH-noo | Tony | Anthony |
Antonius | Antonio | ahn-TOH-nee-oh | Antoniu | ahn-TOH-nee-oo | Totò | taw-TAW | Tony | Anthony |
Barbarus | Barbaro | BAR-buh-roh | Barbaru | BAR-buh-roo | Bob | Robert | ||
Bartolomeus | Bartolomeo | bart-oh-loh-MAY-oh | Bartolumeu | bart-oh-loo-MAY-oo | Bartolu | BART-oh-loo | Bart | Bartholomew Bart Bert, Robert |
Benedictus | Benedetto | beh-neh-DEH-toh | Binidittu | bih-nih-DIH-too | Ben | Benedict, Benjamin | ||
Benjaminus* | Beniamino | behn-yah-MEE-noh | Biniaminu | bihn-ya-MEE-noo | Ben | Benjamin | ||
Bernardus | Bernardo | behr-NAR-doh | Birnardu | bihr-NAR-doo | Nardu | NAR-doo | Bernie, Ben | Bernard, Leonard |
Blasius | Biagio, Biaggio | bee-AH-joh | Biaggiu | bee-AH-joo | Biag' | bee-AHJ | Billy | Blaise, William |
Cajetanus | Gaetano | gai-TAH-noh | Gaetanu | gai-TAH-noo | Tanu | TAH-noo | Guy, Tom | Guy, Thomas |
Calogerus** | Calogero | kuh-LOH-jer-oh | Caloieru | kuh-LOI-er-ooo | Calò Lillu |
kuh-LOH LIH-loo |
Carl Charley, Jerry |
Carl Charles, Gerald |
Carmelus | Carmelo | kar-MEH-lo | Carmelu | kar-MEH-loo | Melu | MEH-loo | Carm | Carmen |
Carminius | Carmine | KAR-mih-neh | Carmini | KAR-mih-nih | Minnuzzu | mih-NOO-tsoo | Carm | Carmen |
Carolus | Carlo | KAR-loh | Carlu | KAR-loo | Carlu | KAR-loo | Carl, Charley | Carl, Charles |
Cyrus** | Ciro | CHEE-roh | Ciru | CHEE-roo | Ciru | CHEE-roo | Jerry | Gerald, Jerome |
Damianus | Damiano | dah-mee-AH-noh | Damianu | dah-mee-AH-noo | Damian | Damian | ||
Didacus | Diego | dee-EH-goh | Dego | DEH-goh | Dick | Richard | ||
Dominicus | Domenico | doh-MEH-nih-koh | Duminicu | doo-MIH-nih-koo | Nicu | NIH-koo | Dom, Nick Don, Tom |
Dominic, Nicholas Donald, Thomas |
Donatus | Donato | doh-NAH-toh | Dunatu | doo-NAH-too | Dunatu | doo-NAH-too | Don | Donald |
Emmanuele* | Emmanuele Manuele |
eh-mah-noo-EH-leh mah-noo-EH-leh |
Manueli |
mahn-WEH-lih |
Manny |
Emanuel, Manuel |
Eugenius | Eugenio | eh-oo-JEHnee-oh | Eugeniu | eh-oo-JEHnee-oo | Geniu | JEHnee-oo | Gene, Jim | Eugene, James |
Felix | Felice | feh-LEE-cheh | Filici | fih-LIHE-chih | Filí | fih-LEE | Phil | Felix, Phillip |
Franciscus | Francesco | frahn-CHEH-skoh | Francescu | frahn-CHEH-skoo | Francu Cicciu |
FRAHN-koo CHEE-choo |
Frank, Fran | Frank, Francis |
Fidelis | Fedele | fed-EH-leh | Fideli | fid-EH-lee | Fidè | fid-EH | Fred | Frederick |
Federicus | Federico | fed-uh-REE-koh | Federicu | fed-uh-REE-koo | Ricu | REE-koo | Fred, Rick | Frederick |
Guglielmus | Guglielmo | gool-YELM-oh | Ugliermu | ool-YEHR-moo | Bill | William | ||
Guidus | Guido | GWEE-doh | Guidu | GWEE-doo | Guidu | GWEE-doo | Guy | Guy |
Hieronymus** | Girolamo | jee-ROH-lah-moh | Gilormu | jih-LOR-moo | Giru | JEE-roo | Gerry | Gerald, Jerome |
Hippolytus** | Ippolito | ee-POH-lih-to | Ippulitu | ih-POO-lih-too | Paul | Paul | ||
Honuphrius** | Onofrio | oh-NOH-free-oh | Onofriu | oh-NOH-free-oo | Fred, Murph | Humphrey, Frederick | ||
Ignatius | Ignazio | ee-NYAH-tzee-oh | Ignaziu | ee-NYAH-tzee-oo | Gnaziu | NYAH-tzee-oo | Iggie | Ignatius |
Iacobus* Jacobus* |
Giacomo Giacobbo |
JAH-koh-moh jah-KOH-boh |
Giacomo Giacobbo |
JAH-koh-moh jah-KOH-boh |
Giacchu | JOCK-oo | Jack, Jack, Jock, Jim | Jacob John, James |
Ioachim* Joachim* |
Gioachino | joh-ah-KEE-noh | Giuachinu | joo-ah-KEE-nou | Giacchu | JOCK-oo | Jake Jack |
Jacob John |
Ioannes* Joannes |
Giovanni | joh-VAH-nee | Giuanni | joo-WAH-nee | Giuà | joo-WAH | Jack | John |
Ioseph* Joseph* |
Giuseppe | joo-ZEPP-eh | Giuseppi | joo-ZEPP-ih | Peppi | PEHP-ee | Joe | Joseph |
Laurentius | Lorenzo | loh-REHN-zoh | Lurenzu | loo-REHN-zoo | Renzu Enzu |
REHN-zoo EHN-zoo |
Larry | Lawrence |
Leonardus | Leonardo | leh-oh-NAR-doh | Lunardu | luh-NAR-doo | Nardu | NAR-doo | Len, Leon | Leonard |
Libertinus | Libertino | lee-behr-TEE-noh | Libertinu | lih-behr-TEE-noo | Al, Albert | Al, Albert | ||
Liborius | Liborio | lee-BOHR-ee-oh | Liboriu | lih-BOHR-ee-oo | Libby | Leo | ||
Loretus | Loreto | loh-REH-toh | Luretu | loo-REH-too | Luri | LOOR-ree | Laurie, Larry | Lawrence |
Lucianus | Luciano | loo-chee-AHN-oh | Lucianu | loo-chee-AHN-oo | Luci | LOO-chee | Lou, Lew | Lucian, Louis |
Mansuetus | Mansueto | mahn-SWEH-toh | Mansuetu | mahn-SWEH-too | Manny | Manuel | ||
Marianus | Mariano | mah-ree-AH-noh | Marianu | mah-ree-AH-nou | Mike | Myron, Michael | ||
Mattius* | Matteo | mah-TEH-oh | Matteu | mah-TEH-oo | Mattè | mah-TEH | Matt | Matthew |
Mauritius | Maurizio | maow-REE-tzee-oh | Mauriziu | maow-REE-tzee-oo | Morry | Maurice, Morris | ||
Michael* | Michele | mee-KEH-leh | Michele | mee-KEH-leh | Michael | Michael | ||
Modestus | Modesto | moh-DEH-stoh | Mudestu | moo-DEH-stoo | Morry | Maurice, Morris | ||
Nicolaus | Nicolá Nicolò |
nee-koh-LAH nee-koh-LOH |
Nicolá Niculu |
nee-koh-LAH NIH-koo-loo |
Nicu | NIH-coo | Nick | Nicholas |
Nuntius | Nunzio | NOON-zee-oh | Nunziu | NOON-zee-oo | Nel | Nelson | ||
Octavianus | Ottaviano Taviano Damiano |
oh-tah-vee-AHN-oh tah-vee-AHN-oh dah-mee-AH-noh |
Ottavianu Tavianu Damianu |
oh-tah-vee-AHN-oo tah-vee-AHN-oo dah-mee-AH-noo |
Tovvie | Otto Damian |
Onuphrius** | Onofrio | oh-NOH-free-oh | Onofriu | oh-NOH-free-oo | Fred, Murph | Humphrey, Frederick | ||
Paulinus | Paolino | pah-oh-LEE-noh | Paolinu | pah-oh-LIH-noo | Paul | Paul | ||
Paulus | Paolo | PAH-oh-loh | Paulu | PAH-oo-loo | Paul | Paul | ||
Paschalis | Pasquale | pahs-QUAH-leh | Pasquali | pahs-QUAH-lih | Pat, Patsy | Patrick, Pascal | ||
Petrus | Pietro | p'YEH-troh, | Pitru | PIH-troo | Pete | Peter | ||
Philippus** | Filippo | fih-LEE-poh | Filippo | fih-LEE-poh | Phil | Philip | ||
Raphael | Raffaele | rah-fah-EH-leh | Raffaeli | rah-fah-EH-lih | Ralph | Ralph | ||
Raymondus | Raimondo | rai-MOHN-doh | Ramunnu | rah-MOON-oo | Ramú | rah-MOO | Ray | Raymond |
Robertus | Roberto | roh-BEHR-toh | Rubertu | roo-BEHR-too | Bertinu | BEHR-tee-noo | Bob, Bert | Robert |
Rosarius | Rosario Rosolino |
roh-ZAH-ree-oh ro-soh-LEE-noh |
Rusariu Rusulinu |
roo-ZAH-ree-oo roo-soo-LEE-noo |
Saru | SAH-roo | Ross, Russ | Ross, Russell |
Salvator | Salvatore | sahl-vuh-TOH-reh | Sarbaturi | sahr-buh-TOO-rih | Turiddu | TOO-rih-doo | Sal, Sam | Salvatore, Samuel |
Samuel* | Samuele | sah-moo-EH-leh | Samueli | sahm-WEH-lih | Sam | Samuel | ||
Sanctus | Santo | SAHN-toh | Santu | SAHN-too | Sandy | Sanford | ||
Sebastianus | Sebastiano | suh-bahs-tee-AHN-oh | Sebastianu | suh-bahs-tee-AHN-oo | Bastianu | bahs-tee-AHN-oo | Sibby, Buster | Sebastian |
Simon* | Simone | see-MOH-neh | Simuni | sih-MOO-nih | Simon | Simon | ||
Stanislaus | Stanislao | stah-nees-LAH-oh | Stanislau | stah-nihs-LAH-oo | Stan | Stanley | ||
Stephanus | Stefano | STEH-fah-noh | Stifanu | STIH-fah-noo | Steve | Steven, Stephen | ||
Thomas | Tommaso | toh-MAH-soh | Tummasu | too-MAH-soo | Tom | Thomas | ||
Tibertius | Tuburzio | tee-BOOR-tzee-oh | Tiburziu | tih-BOOR-tzee-oo | Burt | Albert, Robert | ||
Vasillios** | Basilio | bah-SEE-lee-oh | Basili | BAH-sih-lih | Billy | Basil, William | ||
Venantius | Venanzio | veh-NAHN-zee-oh | Vinanziu | vih-NAHN-zee-oo | Vinny | Vincent | ||
Victorius | Vittorio | vee-TOH-ree-oh | Vittoriu | vih-TOH-ree-oo | Vitu | VEE-too | Vic, Vito | Victor |
Vincentius | Vincenzo | veen-CHEHN-zoh | Vicenzu |
vih-CHEHN-zoo |
Cenzu Enzu |
CHEHN-zoo EHN-zoo |
Vinny, Jimmy | Vincent, James |
Xaverius | Saverio | sah-VEH-rih-oh | Saveriu | sah-VEH-rih-oo | Savè | sah-VEH | Sam | Xavier |
Latin | In Italian | Pronunciation | In Sicilian | Pronunciation | Short Sicilian | Pronunciation | Short English | Formal English |
Agatha | Agata | AH-guh-tuh | Agata | AH-guh-tuh | Ida Tina |
EYE-duh TEE-nuh |
Aggie Tina |
Agatha |
Alexandra** | Alessandra Cassandra |
ah-les-SAHN-druh kah-SAHN-druh |
Alessandra | ah-les-SAHN-druh | Lissandra | lih-SAHN-druh | Sandy Cassie |
Alexa, Sandra Cassandra |
Aloysia | Aloisia Luigia Luisa |
ah-loh-EE-zee-uh loo-EE-juh loo-EE-zuh |
Aloisia Luigia Luisa |
ah-loh-EE-zyuh loo-EE-juh loo-EE-zuh |
Luigia | loo-EE-juh | Lou Lucy |
Louise Lois, Lucy |
Angela** | Angela |
AHN-jeh-luh |
Angiola Angiolina |
AHN-joh-luh ahn-joh-LEE-nuh |
Angiolina |
ahn-joh-LEE-nuh |
Angie |
Angela Angeline |
Anna | Anna | AHN-nuh | Anna | AHN-nuh | Anna | AHN-nuh | Annie | Ann, Anne |
Antonietta | Antonietta | ahn-toh-nee-EHT-uh | Antonietta | ahn-toh-nee-EHT-uh | Ann, Toni | Antoinette, Annette | ||
Antonia | Antonia | ahn-TOH-nee-uh | Antonia | ahn-TOH-nee-uh | Ann, Toni | Anna, Antonia | ||
Antonina | Antonina | ahn-toh-NEE-nah | Antonina | ahn-toh-NEE-nah | Nina Ninetta Lina |
NEE-nuh nih-NEHT-tuh LEE-nuh |
Ann, Toni Nina Lena |
Anna, Nina, Annette Lena |
Archangela** | Arcangela | ark-AHN-jeh-luh | Arcangiola | ark-AHN-joh-luh | Angela | Angela | Angie | Angela |
Assuntia | Assunta | uh-SOON-tuh | Assunta | uh-SOON-tuh | Sue, Susy | Susan | ||
Augusta | Agosta | ah-GOHS-tuh | Agustina | ah-oos-TEE-nuh | Tina | TEE-nuh | Tina | Augusta, Tina |
Bartolomea | Bartolomea | bart-oh-loh-MAY-uh | Bartolumea | bart-oh-loo-MAY-uh | Bartola | BART-oh-luh | Betty | Betty, Elizabeth |
Benedicta | Benedetta | beh-neh-DEH-tuh | Binidetta | bih-nih-DEH-tuh | Betty | Bernadette | ||
Blasia | Biagia Biaggia | bee-AH-juh | Biagia Biaggia | bee-AH-juh bee-AH-juh |
Bessie | Bess, Elizabeth | ||
Brigita | Brigida | BREE-jih-duh | Brigida | BREE-juh-duh | Bridge | Bridget | ||
Cajetana | Gaetana | gai-TAH-nuh | Gaetana | gai-TAH-nuh | Ida | EYE-duh | Ida | Ida |
Calogera** | Calogera | kuh-LOH-jer-uh | Calogera | kuh-LOI-er-uh | Lilla | LEE-luh | Carrie, Lil | Caroline, Lily |
Camilla | Camilla | kuh-MEE-luh | Camilla | kuh-MEE-luh | Millie | Camille, Mildred | ||
Carmela | Carmela Carmelina |
car-MEH-luh car-meh-LEE-nuh |
Carmela Carmelina |
car-MEH-luh car-meh-LEE-nuh |
Mela Lina |
MEH-luh LEE-nuh |
Mella, Nell Lena |
Carmela, Mildred Nellie, Lena |
Carolina | Carolina | kah-roh-LEE-nuh | Carolina | kah-roh-LEE-nuh | Lina | LEE-nuh | Caroline | |
Catarina | Catarina Caterina |
kah-tuh-REE-nuh | Catarina Caterina |
kah-tuh-REE-nuh | Catherine | Catherine | ||
Concepta | Concetta Concettina |
cohn-CHEH-tuh cohn-che-TEE-nuh |
Cuncetta Cuncettina |
cuhn-CHEH-tuh coon-che-TEE-nuh |
Cettina Tina |
che-TEE-nuh TEE-nuh |
Connie | Concetta Constance |
Constantia | Costanza Costantina |
coh-STAN-zuh coh-stahn-TEE-nuh |
Custanza Custantina |
coo-STAN-zuh coo-stahn-TEE-nuh |
Tina | TEE-nuh | Connie | Constance |
Crucifixa | Crocifissa | croh-chee-FEE-suh | Crucifissa | croo-chee-FEE-suh | Gruci | GROO-tchi | Gerty, Trudy | Gertrude |
Doloratia | Adolorata | ah-doh-loh-RAH-tuh | Adolorata | ah-doh-loh-RAH-tuh | Dee | Dolores | ||
Dominica | Domenica | doh-MEH-nee-kuh | Dominica | doh-MEE-nih-kuh | Mamie | Marie, Margaret | ||
Elisabeth* | Elisabetta Elisabella Isabella |
eh-lee-suh-BEHT-tuh eh-lee-suh-BEHL-luh ee-suh-BEHL-luh |
Elisabetta Elisabella Isabella |
eh-lih-suh-BEHL-tuh eh-lih-suh-BEHL-luh ee-suh-BEHL-luh |
Sabè Sabina Bella |
suh-BEH suh-BEE-nuh BEHL-luh |
Liz, Beth Bess Bella |
Elizabeth |
Elena | Elena | eh-LEH-nuh | Elena | eh-LEH-nuh | Lena | LEE-nuh | Ellen | Ellen, Helen |
Eleonora | Eleonora | eh-leh-oh-NOR-uh | Eleonora | eh-leh-oh-NOR-uh | Lena Nora |
LEE-nuh NOH-ruh |
Leona | Eleanor Nora |
Emmanuela* | Emmanuela | eh-mahn-oo-EH-lah | Emmanuela | eh-mahn-WHEH-lah | Manuela | mahn-WHEH-lah | Emma, Ella | Emma, Ella |
Eugenia | Eugenia | eh-oo-JEH-nee-uh | Eugenia | eh-oo-JEH-nee-uh | Gina | JEE-nuh | Gina | Gina, Jean |
Felixa | Felicia | feh-LEE-shuh | Felicia | feh-LEE-shuh | Phyllis | Phyllis | ||
Francisca | Francesca | frahn-CHAY-skuh | Francesca | frahn-CHAY-skuh | Fran, Franny | Frances | ||
Genoelfa | Genoelfa | jeh-noh-EHL-fuh | Genuefa | jeh-noo-EH-fuh | Jenny | Genevieve | ||
Gratia | Grazia | GRAH-zee-uh | Grazia | GRAH-zee-uh | Gracie | Grace | ||
Hippolyta** | Ippolita | ee-POH-lih-tuh | Ippolita | ih-POH-lih-tuh | Paula | Paula, Pauline | ||
Honuphria | Onofria | oh-NOH-free-uh | Onofria | oh-NOH-free-uh | Murph | Honora, Murphy | ||
Iacoba* Jacoba* |
Giacomina | jock-oh-MEE-nuh | Giacumina | jock-oo-MEE-nuh | Mina | MEE-nuh | Mina | Mina |
Ioanna* Joanna |
Giovanna | joh-VAH-nuh | Giuanna | joo-WAH-nuh | Gianna | jee-AHN-nuh | Jenny | Joann, Jean |
Iosepha* Josepha* |
Giuseppa Giuseppina |
joo-SEH-puh joo-seh-PEE-nuh |
Giuseppa Giuseppina |
joo-SEH-puh joo-seh-PEE-nuh |
Giusi Pina |
JOO-zee PEE-nuh |
Jo | Josephine |
Leonarda | Leonarda | lay-oh-NAR-duh | Leonarda | lih-oh-NAR-duh | Lena Narda |
LEE-nuh NAR-duh |
Lena | Lena, Leona Eleanor |
Margarita | Margherita | mahr-geh-REE-tuh | Margarita | mahr-guh-REE-tuh | Rita | REE-tuh | Marge, Rita | Margaret, Rita |
Michaela* | Michela | mih-KEH-luh | Michela | mih-KEH-luh | Michelina | mih-kuh-LEE-nuh | Mickey, Lena | Michelle, Lena Margaret |
Nuntia | Nunzia Annunziata |
NOON-zee-uh uh-noon-zee-AH-tuh |
Nunzia Annunziata |
NOON-zee-uh uh-noon-zee-AH-tuh |
Nancy | Nancy | ||
Natala | Natala Natalia |
nuh-TAH-luh nuh-TAH-lee-uh |
Natala Natalia |
nuh-TAH-luh nuh-TAH-lee-uh |
Natalie | Natalie | ||
Paschala | Pasquala Pasqualina |
pahs-QUAH-luh pahs-quah-LEE-nuh |
Pasquala Pasqualina |
pahs-QUAH-luh pahs-quh-LEE-nuh |
Lina |
LEE-nuh |
Patsy Lena |
Patricia Lena |
Patricia | Patrizia | pah-TREETS-ee-uh | Patrizia | puh-TREETS-ee-uh | Tricia | Patricia | ||
Paula | Paola Paolina |
PAH-oh-lah pah-oh-LEE-nuh |
Paola Paolina |
PAH-oh-lah pah-oh-LEE-nuh |
Lina |
LEE-nuh |
Paulie |
Pauline Lena |
Philippa** | Filippa | fih-LEE-puh | Filippa | fih-LEE-puh | Phyllis | Philippa, Phyllis | ||
Philomena | Filomena | fee-loh-MEH-nuh | Filomina | fee-loh-MIH-nuh | Mina | MEE-nuh | Mina | Phyllis, Mina |
Providentia | Provvidenza | proh-vee-DEHN-zuh | Pruvidenza | proo-vih-DEHN-zuh | Provie | Providence | ||
Rosa | Rosa | ROH-zuh | Rosa | ROH-zuh | Rosina | roh-ZEE-nuh | Rose | Rose |
Rosaria | Rosaria Rosalia Rosolia |
roh-ZAH-ree-uh roh-zah-LEE-uh roh-zoh-LEE-uh |
Rosaria Rosalia Rosolia |
roh-ZAH-ree-uh roh-zah-LEE-uh roh-zoh-LEE-uh |
Sara | SAH-ruh | Rose | Sara Rose Sally |
Salvatrix | Salvatrice Salvatora |
sahl-vuh-TREE-tcheh sahl-vuh-TOR-uh |
Sarbatrici Sarbatura |
sar-buh-TREE-tchih sar-buh-TOO-ruh |
Turidda |
too-REED-duh |
Tricia |
Sally Patricia, Teresa |
Sancta | Santa |
SAHN-tuh |
Santa |
SAHN-tuh | Santina Tina |
sahn-TEE-nuh TEE-nuh |
Sandy | Sandra Tina |
Sebastiana | Sebastiana | suh-bahs-tee-AHN-uh | Sebastiana | suh-bahs-tee-AHN-uh | Bastiana | bahs-tee-AHN-uh | Bessie Ann |
Bess, Elizabeth Anna |
Serafina | Serafina | seh-rah-FEE-nah | Serafina | seh-rah-FEE-nah | Sara | Sara, Irene | ||
Theresia | Teresa | tehr-EH-suh | Teresa | tehr-EH-suh | Terry | Theresa | ||
Vincentia | Vincenza | veen-CHEHN-zuh | Vicenza | vih-CHEHN-zuh | Enza | EHN-zuh | Jen | Jane, Jenny, Jean |
Note that
names with the syllable
'al' or 'bert' often are significantly changed: 'Alberto'
becomes 'Bert', and can properly become 'Albert', but can also
morph to 'Robert'; and 'Alfonso' becomes 'Al',
which can become 'Alphonse', but also 'Alfred'>'Fred',
or 'Albert'>'Bert'!
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