Francesca Infantina

Born: about 1827 ~ Montalbano di Elicona, Messina, Kingdom of the Two Siciliies
Died: 3 Jul 1882 ~ Montalbano di Elicona, Messina, Sicily

Meaning of Infantina (in-fahn-TEE-nuh): little infant


        From her record of death and the records of birth for her children, Angela Bongiovanni's great-grandmother Francesca Infantina was probably born in about 1827 and married Giuseppe Bongiovanni circa 1848.  Unfortunately, the civil records for those dates are missing, and the only extant records are her 1882 record of death, and the birth and marriage records of her children.


From Montalbano Registri Stato Civile Film 1727000, 1882 Deaths, No. 55, Francesca Infantina     



  Year one thousand eight hundred eighty-two  on day four of July
at hour 9:52 AM in the Town Hall.
   Before me Nicola Todaro Sparisco Secretary delegated by the Mayor on
eighteen July eighteen seventy-seventwo, duly approved

Official of the Civil Status of the townof
Montalbano Elicona have appeared
Giuseppe Sciacca  _, age fifty-six__,butcher domiciled
Montalbano _, and Francesco Aliquò, age thirty-four,
a baker
, domiciled in said place,  who have declared to me that at hour
4:42 PM of yesterday ____, in the house located at
Federico Secondo number 162 has died Francesca Infantina of age fifty-four, a worker ___, resident of Montalbano _____,
born in
said place , daughter of the late Luigi, cabinetmaker once domiciled in Montalbano, and of the late  Domenica Mobilia, worker, domi-
ciled in
said place: wife of Giuseppe Bongiovanni.
At this certification have been present the witnesses Gaetano Russo,
of age
forty-seven, a butcher, and Giuseppe Corica, of age
thirty-four, farm manager, both residing in this Town.  I read this record
to all those assembled
, but it is signed only by me, the declarant
and the witnesses having said they don't know how to write.
P. S. Cancel the word 'twenty-three ' above, and make it 'sixteen'.
The Town Secretary delegated as the Official of the Civil Status
Nicolò Todaro Sparisco

Number 55

~ * ~

Francesca Infantina


Francesca Infantina married  Giuseppe Bongiovanni

Known Children

Maria Bongiovanni: 11 Feb 1850 ~ ?
Biagio Bongiovanni: abt 1851 - 1858 ~ ? 
(Married Angela Cernuto)
Domenica Bongiovanni: 8 Jul 1854 ~ ?
Nicola Bongiovanni: ? ~ ? 
(Married Antonina Pantano)
Antonino Bongiovanni: 23 Mar 1858 ~ ? (Married Maria Fiore)
Gaetano Bongiovanni: 20 Apr 1860 ~ 26 Jun 1940  (Married Angela De Gaetano)
Fortunato Bongiovanni: abt 1867 ~ ?  (Married Antonina Lazzara)
Giovanni Bongiovanni: 3 Feb 1870 ~ ?


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Gaetano & Rosina

























































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