Concetta Maria lo Guasto

Born: 17 September 1821 ~Serradifalco, Caltanisetta, Sicilia
Married to Antonio Cimino: 24 Apr 1841 ~Serradifalco

Died: after 16 December 1869, place unknown

Meaning of lo Guasto [lu-GWAHS-tu]: the broken one, the lame one


      My maternal great-great-grandmother Concetta Maria lo Guasto was born during the reign of the King of the Two Sicilies, Ferdinando I (also known as Ferdinando III and IV!!), who in turn was a subject of his nephew King Ferdinand VII of Spain and All its Holdings (including Sicily).  
      In 1821 in the United States, James Monroe had begun his second term as President.  There were twenty-four States.  The Native Americans' Santa Fe Trail saw its first use by white men.  A hurricane struck Norfolk, Virginia and New York City.


        From about 1820 through 1860,civil birth records in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies reported the details of all births on the left side of a two-page form, reproduced below.  On the right side of the form was documentation that Concetta was born on the 17th of September 1821, that the record had been sent to the local church, and that the Parish had confirmed the baptism of the child and the date of baptism (the 18th, the day after the birth). 
      The translation shown below after the actual civil record has been condensed to one page.

From Serradifalco Registri Stato Civile Film 1466429, 1821 Births, No. 134, Concetta lo Guasto      


A T T O   D I   N A S C I T A

Indicazione del giorno in cui
e’ stato amministrato il Sacra-
mento del Battesimo
Numero d’ordine Cento trentaquattro

L’anno milleottocentoventuno il di Diciotto dal mese Settembre alle ore dice mezza antimeridiane avanti di Noi Filippo Lombardo Secondo Eletto Funzionante da Sindaco ed uffiziale dello stato civile del Comune di Serradifalco Distretto di Caltanisetta Valle di Caltanisetta e comparso Libertino lo Guasto di anni ventisei di professione Contadino domiciliatio iviVicolo Pidduzza numero tre

Il quale ci ha presentato una Femina secondocche’ abbiamo, ocularmente riconociusto, ed ha dichiarato che lo stesso e’ nato da Francesca Lettuca sua legittima moglie

di anni diciotto domiciliatia con esso sposo

e da lui dichiarantte

di anni come sopra di professione come sopra domiciliato come sopra

nel giorno Diciasette del mese di Settembre anno sudetto

alle ore nove po meridiane nella casa di propria abita non e situatta come sopra

Lo stesso ha inoltre dichiarato di dare ala Femina il nome di Concetta

La presentazione, e dichiarazione anzidetta si e’ fatta alla presenza di Leonardo di Francesco di anni Trenta di professione Contadino regnicolo domicilato Piano della Giarra Numero Sedici e di Ignzio Butera di anni cinquanta di professione Contadino regnicolo domicilato vicolo sudetto numero Sei testimoni intervenuti al presente atto, e da esso Signor lui dichiarante prodotti.

Il presente atto, che abbiamo formato all’ uopo, e’ stato inscritto sopra i due registri, letto al dichiarante ed ai testimonii, ed indi nel giorno, mese, ed anno come sopra, firmato da Noi avendo detto il Dichiarante lo Guasto, testimonii di Francesco, e Butera di non sapere Scrivere

Il Secondo Eletto Funzionante da Sindaco
(S) Filippo Lombardo


Numero d’ordine Cento trentaquattro

L’anno milleottocentoventuno
il di Diciotto
del mese di Settembre
il parroco di chiesa Madrice

ci ha restuito nel di Settembre anno sudetto
il notamento, che noi gli abbiamo rimesso nel giorno Diciotto del mese di Settembre anno
sudetto del
contrascritto atto di nascita in pie del quale ha indicato, che il Sacramento del Battesimi e’ stato amministrato a
Concetta lo Guasto

nel giorno Diciotto dello sudetto mese
in vista di un tal notamento dopo di averlo cifrato; abbiamo disposto, che fosse conservato nel volume dei documenti al foglio Cento Trentaquattro

Abbiamo inoltre accusato al par-
roco la ricezione del medesimo ed abbiamo formato il presente atto, ch’ e’ stato inscritto sopra i due re-gistri in margine del corrispondente atto di nascita, ed indi le abbiamo firmato.

(S) Filippo Lombardo



R E C O R D   O F   B I R T H  

Notice of the day on which
was administered the Sacrament
of Baptism

Number One hundred thirty-four

In the year One thousand eight hundred twenty-one on day eighteen of the month of September at hour ten-thirty a.m. before Us Filippo Lombardo Elected Assistant and Functionary of the Mayor and officer of the civil records of the town of Serradifalco District of Caltanisetta Province of Caltanisetta appeared Libertino lo Guasto age twenty-six occupation Sharecropper living at Vicolo Pidduzza No. 3 who has presented us a girl that we have visibly witnessed and he has declared that the same was born of Francesca Lettuca his legitimate wife age eighteen living with him, and of him, the declarant, age as above occupation as above living at as above, on day seventeen of the month of September in the year stated above at hour nine p.m. in their own home, at the address indicated above.

The same has also declared that he has given the girl the name Concetta.

The aforesaid presentation and declaration was made in the presence of Leonardo di Francesco age thirty occupation Peasant farmer, citizen living at Piano della Giarra number sixteen and of Ignazio Butera age fifty occupation Peasant farmer, citizen living at the above named alley, number six, witnesses attending this registration, and provided by him, Mister Functionary of the Mayor.

This record, which we have created as during the registration, was written in the above two registers, read to the informant and to the witnesses, and on the day, month, and year as stated above, signed by Us, the declarant lo Guasto and the witnesses di Francesco and Butera having said that they don't knowhow to rrite.

The Elected Assistant and Functionary of the Mayor
(Signed by) Filippo Lombardo

Number One hundred thirty-four

In the year One thousand eight hundred twenty-one on day eighteen of the month of September the parish priest of Mother Church of the parish has returned to us on day eighteen of the month of September of the year as above

the notation, which we had remitted to him on day eighteen of the month of September

of the birth record to the left, at the bottom of which he has indicated that the Sacrament of Baptism has been administered to Concetta lo Guasto

on day eighteen of the above stated month

Having seen this document after having it transcribed, we have arranged that it should be conserved in the volume of documents
at page One hundred thirty-four

We have also charged to the Parish priest with the receipt of the same, we have created this record which was written above in the two registers in the margins of the corresponding birth record, and that we have signed.

(Signed by) Filippo Lombardo


             The date of Concetta's baptism is shown on a previous record, then indicated on hers as "same".  Her surname is listed in the margin as Guasto, and her given name is in Latin, as Concepta.

Baptism Record

               Palmeri/ Die 18. 7bris 1871
       . . . . . . .
      Guasto/Ego Sac. D. Leonardus Rizzo Capnus baptizavi infantem hodie hora
    14. circi F natum ex Libertino lo Guasto et Francisca Lattuca conjugibus
   cui impositum fuit nomen Concepta Maria. Pri fuerunt Jacobus Rizzo, et
  Concepta Calabrese conjuges
               Palmeri/ Day 18 of September 1871
       . . . . . . .
      Guasto/I Priest Don Leonardo Rizzo Chaplain baptized an infant today about
    hour 14; a daughter born of Libertino lo Guasto and Francesca Lattuca, married;
   who was given the name Concetta Maria. Godparents were Giacomo Rizzo and
  Concetta Calabrese, a married couple.

From Serradifalco Registri Ecclesiatici Film 2012919,  1821 Chiesa Madre Baptisms, page 2, Concepta Maria Guasto


      The 1841 civil record of the marriage promise reproduced below, for my maternal great-great grandparents Concetta lo Guasto and Antonio Cimino, covers four pages.  The form is in two columns, on the left showing the Record of the Solemn Promise to celebrate matrimony, while the right-hand column is entitled 'Indication of the subsequent canonical [church] celebration of marriage'.  The translation below is of the left side only. Essentially, the left column gives the details of the civil promise made at the Town Hall, while the right column simply confirms that the couple was married in church on 24 April 1841 in the presence of witnesses Don Rocco Candela and Girolamo Curatolo, and that the civil and church records were cross-referenced.  Click on the images at left to see the original documents. 
       This record is only the promise or contract to marry, but it contains much more information than the actual marriage record made by the church.  Click on the images at left to see the original documents.  

to celebrate matrimony

[p. 1] Number 10
Year eighteen hundred forty-one, day twenty-three of the month of April at hour twenty-two, before Us, Francesco Mastrosimone Elected Assistant Functionary of the Mayor and official of civil records of the town of Serradifalco, district of
Caltanissetta, Province of Caltanissetta, have appeared in the town hall: Antonio Cimino age twenty-three, born in Serradifalco, district of Caltanissetta, Province of Caltanissetta, occupation Sharecropper, living in Serradifalco, son of the late Pietro, ~ ~ ~ and of Giuseppa lo Vecchio; and Concetta Guasto, age nineteen, born in Serradifalco, living here, daughter of Libertino age  forty-six occupation Sharecropper living here, and daughter of Francesca Lattuca living here.
The couple,
in the presence of witnesses who will be mentioned below, and produced by them, have requested to receive their solemn pro-
[p. 2]mise  to celebrate prior to the Church ceremony, according to the format prescribed by the Sacred Council of Trent for the marriage which they plan between them
with the support of the mother of the groom and the parents of the bride, who came together for the present record in order to lend their express and formal consent, which they have accordingly declared.
   The notice of this promise was affixed to the door of the town hall of Serradifalco on Sunday on day seven of March of the year stated above.
 We, in accordance with their request, after having read them all the consistent documents:
First, the birth records of the groom
Second, the birth record of the bride
[p. 3]Third, the death record of the father of the groom
Fourth, the record of death of the paternal granfather of the groom
Fifth, the banns posted in this Town, regarding which there have been no objections
and having also read chapter six under the title of marriage of the civil laws regarding the respective rights and obligations of the spouses, we have received from each of the parties, one after the other, the declaration, that they solemnly promise to celebrate the marriage before the Church according to the format prescribed by the Holy Council of Trent.

At the bottom of page 3, the record continues:  
We made the record of all this
in the presence of four witnesses attending the solemn promise of marriage:
Michele Aquilina, twenty-four, Sharecropper, Strada Calvario;
Gaetano Iannello, twenty-five, Sharecropper
[p. 4]: Strada Milazzo;
Giuseppe lo Valente, forty, Sharecropper, Street as above;
Ignazio Milazzo, twenty-two, Sharecropper, Strada Middione

We have read this record, which is inscribed on the two registers, to the witnesses
and the bride and groom, to whom we have also given two consistent copies signed by Us, to be presented to the parish priest, to whom the celebration of the marriage pertains, and then it is signed by us alone, the groom and the bride and the respective parents and witnesses having said they don't know how to write.

Elected Assistant
Francesco Mastrosimone

From Serradifalco Registri Stato Civile Film 1466475,         
1841 Marriages, No. 10, Antonio Cimino and Concetta lo Guasto         

This translation is factually correct.      
To conserve space, it is not a strict literal translation.  


      Concetta lo Guasto's granddaughter Giuseppa Abate died 21 July 1869, her daughter Giuseppa Cimino died 28 July 1869, and her husband Antonio Cimino died 16 December 1869.  His death was in the city of Caltanissetta, and on his death record Concetta lo Guasto was shown as still living.  No Serradifalco death record has been found for her between 1869 and 1910. No Caltanissetta death record has been found for her between 1869 and 1910 (1897 and 1899 indices are missing).


Concetta lo Guasto married Antonio Cimino on 24 April 1841 in Serradifalco


Giuseppa Cimino: 23 Jan 1842 - 28 Jul 1869
(Married Gaetano Abate)
Pietro Cimino: 28 Jan 1845 -
Stefano Cimino: 14 Nov 1852 -
Prospera Cimino: 19 Feb 1855 -
Francesco Cimino: 13 Jun 1859 -
Francesca Cimino: 14 Sep 1860 -


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