Rosina Puma
Born: February 13 1911 ~
Racalmuto, Agrigento, Sicilia
Married to Carmelo Liotta: 12 September 1929 ~Racalmuto
Died: 18 July 2004 ~ Buffalo

Meaning of Puma [POO-muh]: Sicilian for 'apples'


From 1911 Mussomeli Registri Stato Civile, 1911 Birth No. 84, Rosina Puma,
FamilySearch image 60/330, Film 7506669



 L’anno millenovecento undici, addi sedici di Febbraio,
a ore dodici e minuti quarantacinque, nella Casa Comunale.
  Avanti di me
Bartolotta Carini Dr. Giuseppe Assessore Anziano fa ciendi le veci di Sindaco
Uffiziale dello Stato Civile del Comune di Racalmuto è comparso
Alaimo Diloro Giovanna, di anni
trentotto, *levatrice domiciliatio in
Racalmuto, il quale mi ha dichiarato che alle ore sette e mi-
nuti due, del di
tredici del
mese corrente, nella casa posta
via Rudini al numero due da Giudice Antonina, casa
moglie, casalinga, moglie leggittma di Puma Calogero, contadino ambi
domiciliati e residenti in questa
nato un bambino di sesso femminino che essa mi presenta e a cui da il nome di Rosina.
   A quanto sopra e a questo atto sono presenti quali testimoni Tinebra Raffaela ___________di anni trentanove, *casalinga, e Sardo Maria,
di anni trentanove,
*casalinga, entrambi residenti in questo Comune.

(a)[Letto il pres] La dichiarante ha denunciato la nascita suddetta per avere
nella ----- sua qualit
à prestati i sussidi dell'arte sua nell'atto del par
to della Giudice, ed in luogo del marito di questa, il quale non ha potuto denun ciarla per trovarsi lontano della città _____ Letto il presente atto alle intervenu
ti si e da me e della
dichiarante sottoscritto, meno delle testi, che dichiarono non sapere scrivere.

(a) Postilla: se cancellino le tre parole marcati :letto il pres: e una postilla
Alaimo Diloro Giovanna
Dr. Bartolotta

Numero 84
~ . ~
Puma Rosina





hS'indichi la professione o la condizione.



    In the year one thousand nine hundred eleven, on day sixteen of  February,
at hour
twelve forty-five, in the Town Hall.
   Before me,
Dr. Giuseppe Bartolotto Carini, Senior Councilman, per- forming as the vice-Mayor,
Official of Public Records of the Town of Racalmuto has appeared Giovanna Alaimo Diloro, age thirty-eight
*midwife domiciled in Racalmuto, who has declared to me that at hour  seven-0-
____ on day thirteen of the
current month, in the house located
via Rudini number two, by Antonina Giudice, house-
legitimate wife of Calogero Puma, a peasant sharecropper, both domiciled and residing in this town

is born a baby of the
feminine sex who was presented to me, and who was given the name Rosina ______________________________________________
To the above, and to this record, are present the witnesses Raffaela Tinebra
__________age thirty-nine,
housewife, and Maria Sardo, age thirty-nine,*housewife, both residing in this Town
(a)[I read thi] The declarant has reported the above-stated birth since she
performed applied her skills by benefit of her art in the delivery
by signora Giudice and in lieu of her husband, who couldn't report
it because he was far from the city.
__ I read this to those assembled and it is signed by me and the declarant, except for the witnesses who declared that they don't know how to write.
(a) Note: ignore the three words :I read thi: they are in error.
Giovanna Alaimo Diloro
Dr. Bartolotta

Number 84
~ . ~
Rosina Puma




hIndicates the occupation or status.


     Carmelo Liotta emigrated to the United States at age 18 in about 1918. He returned to Sicily and was married to Rosina Puma on 12 September 1929 in the Church of Maria Santissima del Monte in Racalmuto.  Since the year 1503, the church has been the site of an annual festival on the second week of every July.  A highlight is the horseback riders who surge up the steps leading to the church.

.... .... .... ....

      Part II.                         RECORDS OF MARRIAGE

 No. 14   

Carmelo Licata
Rosina Puma










Today 13 September 1929  VII
the notice of the transcription
following on the right, has been transmitted to the Pastor of the Mother Church of this
Town ~
The Official of the Civil Status

Enrico Macaluso

Year nineteen twenty-nine on day thirteen of the month of September at hour 9 thirty in the town Hall
I, Doctor Enrico Macaluso, Mayor by Royal Decree of
twenty-four march nineteen twenty-seven, approved,
and Official of the Civil Status of the Town of Racalmuto,
have received from the Mother Parish the original of
the record of Marriage, from which appears as below __

Record of Marriage - 
Today twelve September nineteen
twenty-nine at hour eleven, before me Priest Francesco
Petrone duly delegated by the Vice Steward, in the
Church of the Mount
of Racalmuto, appeared : Mr.

Carmelo Liota
, age 29, bachelor, born
and domiciled in Racal-
muto, a barber, son of Salvatore, and of Marianna Vizzini
both born and domiciled in Racalmuto, and miss Rosina Puma, maiden,
age eighteen, a housewife,
born and domiciled in Racalmuto
daughter of Calogero and of Antonina Giudice,
born and domiciled
in Racalmuto, in the presence of witnesses Messers Calogero Lombardo,
age 29, a tailor, son of Nicolò, and Calogero Capitano
age 30, a shoemaker, son of Vincenzo,
born and domiciled in Racalmu-
to; to contract matrimony between them, according to the arrangements
of the Holy Roman Church. _____
With the approval of the Reverend Episcopal Curia of Agrigento cert-
ifying that the ecclesiastic marriage banns have been
posted on days 1 and eight of September 1929, and the Civil banns on
days 1 and 8 of September 1929, I questioned each of the betrothed
about the canonical regulations in the presence of the above-named witnesses,
and having received their mutual consent, I have declared them united in
matrimony according to the rite of the Holy Roman Church - Immediately
after they gave their consent, in the presence of the above-named wit-
nesses, I asked the betrothed about the Sacramental
requirements of marriage, also the Civil, reading to them
the Civil Code articles (130, 131, 138) regarding the rights
and duties of couples. After this, I drafted the record of ma-
trimony in duplicate originals, one of which is
kept in this Parochial archive, the other intended
for the Office of Civil Status of this Town of Racal-
muto to be written in the civil registers. -
I read this record to those assembled and with me they have
signed below -
[Signed] groom Carmelo Liota -
bride Rosina Puma
[Signed]  Calogero Capitano  - Calogero Lombardo
The delegated Pastor
Francesco Petrone >>
I, the here undersigned Official of the Civil Status, recorded
the combined approval of  the record of matrimony,

            RECORDS OF MARRIAGE         Series B. 91  

which was was confirmed by my review of the above-noted original,
and I
inserted it in the volume of attachments of this register.-
This transcription reflects the above verbal proceedings
and I sign below
Enrico Macaluso


From Racalmuto 1929 Atti di Matrimonio, Part II, No. 14, FamilySearch image 89/142, Carmelo Liota and Rosina Puma   


       Rosina and her husband Carmelo remained in Sicily after their September 13, 1929 marriage, until their departure from Palermo on the SS Conte Grande, returning to Carmelo's home in Buffalo.



 Rosina Puma married  Carmelo Liotta on 12 September 1929 in Racalmuto

Marianna Liotta (Marian)

Antoinette Liotta (Ann)
Salvatore Liotta (Sam, Sal)


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Gaetano & Rosina


















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