Giuseppa Castiglione
Born: About 1802 ~?
Married Giuseppe Vito Piazza: 1 Nov 1821 ~ Mussomeli, Caltanissetta, Regnu di li Dui Siciliji

Died: ?


Meaning of Castiglione:
Mangiasuasorelli. an 'nciuria', a nickname meaning 'she devours her sisters'



        Birth or baptism records have not been found for my wife's third-great grandmother Giuseppa Castiglione Mangiasuasorelli.  Her name is given in her marriage record and in the baptism records of her children.


       In her marriage record, Giuseppa's ngiuria 'Mangiasuasorelli' is not given, but the 1848 marriage record of her daughter Maria Piazza to Vincenzo la Greca has a blank surname for her and gives her nickname as Mangiasuasorelli.

From Matrimonii Ecclesiastici (Canonical [church] marriage records)

From Mussomeli Registri Ecclesiastici Film 2013877
1821 Marriages, page 53, Joseph de Piazza and Josepha Castiglione

  53 Anno Dni Millmo Octingmo Vigmo pmo 1821
Die prima Novembris

Joseph Vitus de Piazza


Josepha Castiglione

Denibus  praemssis, tribus  festivis diebus  continuis de  precepto int Missanum settia quarum prma fuit sub 17 Octobris 2da sub die 21, ac tertia tandem sub die 28 eusdem nulloque legmo aut Cano impedimento detecto; Ego Sac: Petrus Messina Capnus Sacralis huius Parlis Ecclae Rmi Parochi hia interrogavi Joseph  Vitum inn. fil. legmum et nat. qdm Marii et vic. Mariae Annae de Piazza olim jug. et Josepham paris inn. fil. legm et nat. qdm  Philippi et viv. Rosariae Castiglione olim jug huius P. E. coram mutuo conse verba de prti habito, sottes Matrio coniunxi, prbus notis testibus Mro Balthassare Mistretta, et Salvatore Messi-na Pernicano.  Dunque in Sacrnto Missae Sacrificio jux-
ta licnum S. R. E. benedictionem nuptam eusdem imperivi.

 53 Year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred Twenty One  1821
                      Day fist of November

Giuseppe Vito Piazza


Giuseppa Castiglione

Announced before mass on three consecutive feast days de  precepto int Missanum settia quarum the first was on 17 October 2nd on day 21, and third on day 28 of said month no legitimate or Canonical objection I, Priest Pietro Messina  Sacramental Chaplain of this Parish' Roman Church and Pastor, hia interviewed Joseph Vito, unwed legit. and natural son of the late Mario & the living Maria Anna Piazza, once a couple, & also Giuseppa unwed legit. & nat. daughtr of the late
Filippo and of the living Rosaria Cadstiglione, once a coupe here.  In Church with the mutual consent of the parents
sottes I joined them in Matrimony, in the presence of witnesses Mastro Baldassare Mistretta & Salvatore Messi-na Pernicano. Then in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass joined them and licnum S. R. E. gave them the  nuptial blessing.





Giuseppa Castiglione married Giuseppe Vito di Piazza Faccilorda

Known Children

Francesca Piazza: abt 1824 - ?
(Married Francesco Catania)
Maria Piazza: 24 Jul 1826 - 31 Mar 1869
(Married Vincenzo La Greca)
Vincenza Piazza: 21 Aug 1832 - ?



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Last revision: 30 December 2024 ~ Angelo F. Coniglio,