My paternal
great-great-grandfather Felice Nicola (Felix Nicolaus
in Latin) Calabrese was born in 1737.
He was listed as deceased on the 10 May 1786 baptism of
his son Felix Pius Calabrisi (Felice Pio
Calabrese). During his lifetime Sicily
comprised the Spanish Bourbon Regno di Sicilia
(Kingdom of Sicily), ruled by King Carlo
III, son of King Filippo V of Spain. Carlo had
succeeded to the throne just three years earlier, and
was known as Carlo VII of Naples and Carlo V of Sicily!
In 1737 Thomas Paine was born in Thetford,
England. In North America, it was just two years
after John Peter Zenger was acquitted in a libel trial
for his attacks on the policies of the New York Colony's
governor. He was acquitted on the grounds that his
charges were based on fact. It was the first
important victory for freedom of the press in Britain's
North American colonies. |