He Who was Lost
is Found Again |
This is the fourth issue of a newsletter meant to keep Tau Zeta Tau Brothers in
touch. If You're planning to visit Buffalo, or travel to a place where a brother
lives, let us know, and we'll publish the information so that you can connect up.
If you have any news to share with your brothers, let
me know.
Liotta to
Tie the Knot |
The word is out that Sal
(we used to call him Sam) Liotta and his
long-time friend Gina Howell will be married
this Fall in Binghamton, NY.
All Sal's brother's wish the best for Gina and him, for cent'anni. |
Mangano Joins
Retirees |
Remember "little" Bobby
Well, it finally happened. He's one the last of the local
brothers of Tau Zeta Tau to retire, selling
his very successful business, The Bulb Man,
and heading for a life of (some) leisure and golf
with his lovely wife Ursula.
As far as we know, Larry Cerasa and
Frank Sciortino are those still among the
Some guys never give up! |
After over fifty years,
long-lost (he wasn't lost, we were) TZT brother
Bill Hardy found us through the TZT web pages. Bill spent time
in California and the "Sun Belt" is now retired from his first career with
Bell Industries, and is married to Donna, his wife of 14 years, and
living in Columbia, SC.
He now works at the same hospital as Donna,
registering senior citizens.
billhardy@sc.rr.com |
California, here I
go (Part II) |
Bob Doldan
has sold his California.home, and is now living in Morrisville,
NC, where he hope his proximity will make it alittel easier to visit
Buffalo occasionally. |
Buffalo Visits |
If any out-of town brothers plan on being in Buffalo in 2008, let me
know, and I'll post the dates of your visit. That way, if others
from out of town are here during the same period, you can get together.
One possibility is to buy a ticket or
tickets ($25 per person) to the Pig Roast that Joe Cardinale's
son Jim puts on every year at his property on the Boston Hills.
This year's roast is on Saturday, July 12. Any brother in
WNY at that time should plan to go. See the story to the right. |
The Cardinales at the 2007 Pig
Roast >>>> |
Cardinale's Pig Roast
(and unofficial TZT Reunion) |
$25 per person includes soft drinks and beer, hot
dogs, hamburgers and side dishes for lunch, and later, a dinner with
roast pork right off the spit. Send checks to Jim
9044 Rockwood Road, Boston, New York
14025. Contact Jim Cardinale at
jnm6cards@roadrunner.com if you have questions.
Roast will be held on July 12.
Some of you may already know that I'm doing amateur genealogy.
I've traced my own family roots back about five generations, to
the 1750's. I do the work at the local Mormon Library,
which has ordered many microfilms for me, showing birth, death,
and marriage records from my parents' home town of Serradifalco,
Sicily. In addition to the films I have rented, the
Library has films from Mussomeli, Racalmuto, Aliminusa,
Montemaggiore, Montalbano, Marianopoli, Montedoro, and others.
If any of you have Sicilian roots, and would like
me to try to find information on your ancestors, give me as many
details as you can (name, maiden name if appropriate, date of
arrival in the U.S. and age at the time, name of their home
town, etc.). I'll try to find whatever I can.
If you'd like to do some research yourselves, let me know, and
I'll point you in the right direction. One place to start
is my page at